OpenCV scripts for generating normalMaps using photometric stereo technique
For a particular art peice choose 3 photos under different lighting conditions where the camera and subject do not move (are aligned)
Place them in a folder with a name of your choosing, and label the images (_1.jpg, _2.jpg, _3.jpg)
Steps should be done in the order as followed or based on your discretion
3 sources images subject and camera position are constant light position varies and positions are unknown
Peform affine adjustments and crop for straight images
Visualization of estimated light positions
Generated Normal map along with albedo map ready to use
Map in use via A-FRAME(three.js)
./albedo [foldername]/
computes and albedo map for the subject by computing pixel averages across the 3 images
python [foldername]/
used to straigten the subject will openup window were you can click on 4 corners for transform click bottom left, top left, top right, bottom right hit [esc]
python [foldername]/
Crop to isolate subject opens up window to draw a rectangle, from top left to bottom right of subject hit [esc]
./normal [foldername]/ [threshold](int) [iterations](int)
Computes normal map Threshold -> ignores sections were the grayscaled image value is below a certain intensity (used to discard shadows) Iterations -> number of iterations to run for simulated annealing, usually 200, but ranges can be from 500-7000