This is an automated test project of the PaltON-Go.
Install the python 3.7+, and execute the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
some libs rely on C++ 14, Please install them frist.
- Add 'tool/[win or linux]', 'tool/win/bls_win/lib' to the environment variable
- only windows, Add 'tool/win/bls_win/lib' to the environment variable
pytest "tests" --nodeFile "node.yml"
pytest "tests" --nodeFile "node_1.yml,node_2.yml" -n 2
--nodeFile: Node configurat file, refer [].
--accountFile: Account file,refer [accounts.yml].
--platonUrl: Automatically download the platon.
--installDependency:Install the required dependencies for use during the first deployment.
--installSuperVisor:Install the supervisor during the first deployment.
--tmpDir: Specify cache dir, default in deploy/tmp.
--initChain: Whether to initialize the nodes, default ture.
--job: Use only when using CI.
ps: Refer to pytest for other commands