Provides browsing functions of the Platon chain, including functions such as blocks, transactions, verification nodes, governance parameters, tokens, etc.
- gradle
- junit
- mockito
- spring,springboot
- mybatis
- logback
- client-sdk(web3j)
- scan-agent:Block synchronization service, which synchronizes the data of special nodes to the database of the blockchain browser.
- scan-api:Browser api service provides api interface for web pages.
- scan-common:General module.
- scan-generator:mybatis skeleton generation.
- scan-service:General Service Module
- docs:Interface documentation
- estpl:Elastic Search Template definition
- scripts:Script file
- testdata:Unit test data
- tools:development tools
- webconfig:Web configuration items
gradlew clean buildTar -x test -b scan-agent/build.gradle
gradlew clean buildTar -x test -b scan-api/build.gradle
gradlew clean buildTar -x test -b scan-job/build.gradle
MySQL 5.7
redis 4.0
elasticsearch 7.4
apollo 1.9.1
xxljob 2.3.0
1-about apollo:application-apollo.yml
2-no apollo:application-appchain.yml
Choose one of the above two configuration methods
1. The repository administrator creates a feature branch (accessed based on the develop branch), feature-xxx, for the community development team.
2. The community development team forks (feature-xxx) to its own repository after the self-test on development is completed.
3. The community development team submits pr to the official feature-xxx (merge the modification of the official develop branch before submission)
4. Repository administrator merges feature-xxx into one of the proposed branch, e.g. feature-platon-1.1.5
5. Testers verify the functions of the proposed branch feature-platon-1.1.5. Issue the problem if any
6. After the test is completed, merge it into the develop branch