Yarn Spinner is a fantastic tool designed to make writing game dialogue easier. It was created by the makers of "Night in the Woods", and now you can finally use it within your RPGMaker MZ games! Here are some of the features:
- 25 Commands!
- 4 Functions!
- Stardew Valley mode (See guide for more information)
- Sample Dialog!
Commands allow Yarn Spinner to control parts of the game that you've built.
Name | Signature | Documentation |
play_music | play_music music_name volume | Plays a music file |
play_sound | play_sound sound_name volume | Plays a sound file |
stop_music | stop_music duration | Stops the playing music. |
Name | Signature | Documentation |
change_weather | change_weather weather_type intensity duration | Changes the weather to the specified weather type, with optional intensity and number of frames to blend in. |
fade_in | fade_in duration | Fade in the screen back to normal |
fade_out | fade_out duration red green blue grey alpha | Fade out the screen (to black, or optionally to a color) |
flash_screen | flash_screen duration red green blue intensity | Flash the screen (to white, or optionally to a color) |
Name | Signature | Documentation |
hide_event | hide_event entity_name | Hides the entity with the given name. If no entity provided, hides the calling entity |
move_event | move_event event_name direction_name distance speed | Move an event |
move_self | move_self direction_name distance speed | Move calling event |
set_facing | set_facing direction event_name | Changes the direction the provided event name is facing. |
set_self_facing | set_self_facing direction | Changes the direction the calling event is facing. |
show_balloon | show_balloon balloon_type event_name | Shows a balloon icon above an event. Defaults to the calling event. Can optionally pass in "player"for event_name if you'd like it to appear above the player. |
show_event | show_event event_name opacity | Shows the event (if it's hidden). If no event name provided, defaults to calling event. |
sync_move_event | sync_move_event event_name direction_name distance speed | Move an event (Same as move_event, except blocks script execution until movement is complete) |
sync_move_self | sync_move_self direction_name distance speed | Move calling event (Same as move_self, except blocks script execution until movement is complete) |
Name | Signature | Documentation |
set_background | set_background opacity | Sets the background of the message window; options are 0 (fully opaque), 1 (transparent), 2 (invisible background). The default is 0. |
Name | Signature | Documentation |
add_gold | add_gold amount | Adds X amount of gold to the player |
add_item | add_item item_name quantity | Adds an item with the provided name to the player's inventory, with an optional quantity. |
remove_gold | remove_gold amount | Remove X amount of gold to the player |
remove_item | remove_item item_name quantity | Adds an item with the provided name to the player's inventory, with an optional quantity. |
Name | Signature | Documentation |
wait | wait duration | Waits for a given amount of time. |
Name | Signature | Documentation |
set_level | set_level map_name x y direction fade_type | Teleports the player to the specified map name, at a specific x and y. |
teleport_event | teleport_event event_name x y | Teleports an event to the specified x and y. If no event name specified, defaults to the calling event. |
teleport_self | teleport_self x y | Teleports an event to the specified x and y. If no event name specified, defaults to the calling event. |
Functions are units of code that Yarn scripts can call to receive a value.
Name | Signature | Documentation |
get_variable | get_variable(variable_name) | Returns the value of the variable with the given name (starts at global window). |
has_item | has_item(itemName) | Returns true if the player has the specified item. |
item_count | item_count(itemName) | Returns the number of the given item the player has. |
random_range | random_range(min, max) | Given a min and max, return a random number between them. |
This plugin was designed to be easily extensible. Let's say you'd like to add a new command
named custom_hello
. Not only that, but we also want it to accept a parameter of WHO to say
hello to. Here's how you'd do it:
First, create your Yarn dialog file, exactly as you'd like it to be.
title: SampleNode
Whatever other things you want to have happen.
<<custom_hello george>>
Other things...
Notice that "custom_hello" by default won't work, as that's not one of the commands built into this plugin. So, let's add it.
Using a "script" in the event editor, or via your own plugins javascript code, add the following:
const customGreeter = (_callingEventId, name) => {console.log("Hi " + name + "!")};
if (!pixelmapYarnSpinner.commands.get('custom_hello')) {
pixelmapYarnSpinner.addCommand('custom_hello', customGreeter);
The important part here is the pixelmapYarnSpinner.addCommand
call. This is how you add a
new command to the plugin. The first parameter is the name of the command, and the second is
the function that will be called when the command is encountered in the Yarn dialog. The function
will be passed the calling event ID, followed by any parameters that were passed to the command.
Provided this is invoked BEFORE the Yarn dialog is loaded, the command will be available to use.
- Yarn Spinner - The Yarn Spinner engine
- Yarn Bound - Yarn 2.0 wrapper around bondage.js by mnbroatch.
- Plugin Metadata - The plugin metadata generator by Comuns