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  • Download the latest version of the Stripe App.
  • Unzip the download
  • Place the pipit_stripe folder in perch/addons/apps
  • Add pipit_stripe to your perch/config/apps.php


  • Perch or Perch Runway 3+
  • PHP 7+
  • Perch Members app


  • Pipit Members app
  • Pipit Emails app


Add API keys and webhook endpoint secret to your Perch config file /perch/config/config.php:

define('SITE_URL', '');
Setting Value
SITE_URL Your site domain e.g.

Stripe webhook events

You can configure your webhook endpoint and what events you want Stripe to send to the endpoint via the Stripe Dashboard. Refer to the Stripe documentation on how to configure a webhook endpoint. When configuring the endpoint make sure you select all the Stripe events your site/application needs to receive.

If you are using Perch Runway, you can add your endpoint to perch/templates/api. If your endpoint template is perch/templates/api/stripe/webhook.php, your endpoint URL becomes

Note that the endpoint must be a publicly accessible URL. If you would like to test the webhook endpoint from a local environment, you can use a service like ngrok to make your local web server publicly accessible. Otherwise, you can test on a staging environment.

Scheduled Tasks

The app comes with scheduled tasks to fetch Stripe products and their plans every hour. The app uses Perch's centralised scheduler. To learn more about how to set up a cron job to run the Perch scheduler, refer to the Perch docs.

Products and Plans cache

The Stripe products and their plans are fetched from the Stripe API and stored in perch/pipit_stripe. This is outside of the app folder so you'd be able to update the app in the future without deleting the cache.

If the folder perch/pipit_stripe does not exist, the app will create it given PHP write permissions allows the app to do so.

The app does not protect this folder by default. So if you don't want the cache files to be publicly accessible, you can deny access to all requests to this folder by creating perch/pipit_stripe/.htaccess:

Deny from all


Plans Functions

You can use these functions to output the plans details as well as the subscribe button for each plan. Note the buttons require Javascript to work. See Javascript


Get or output all plans.

pipit_stripe_plans($opts, $return_html);


Name Type Description
$opts array Options array. See table below.
$return_html boolean Set to true to have the rendered HTML returned instead of echoed. This is ignored if $opts['skip-template'] = true.


Option Value Default
template The name of a template to use to display the content. plans/list.html
skip-template True or false. Bypass template processing and return the content in an associative array. false
return-html True or false. For use with skip-template. Adds the HTML onto the end of the returned array with key html. false
return_url The URL to which Stripe redirects upon a successful subscription. SITE_URL . '/subscription/success'
cancel_url The URL to which Stripe redirects upon a failed or cancelled subscription. SITE_URL . '/subscription/cancel'
customer_email The customer email. Use member and the app will use the logged-in member's email address. member
    'template' => 'plans/list.html',
    'return_url' => SITE_URL . '/subscription/success',
    'cancel_url' => SITE_URL . '/subscription/error',
    'customer_email' => 'member',
$plans = pipit_stripe_plans(['skip-template' => true]);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($plans, 1) . '</pre>';


Get or output a single plan.

pipit_stripe_plan($planID, $opts, $return_html);
Name Type Description
$planID string Plan ID e.g. plan_xxxxxxxxxxx
$opts array Options array.
$return_html boolean Set to true to have the rendered HTML returned instead of echoed. This is ignored if $opts['skip-template'] = true.
pipit_stripe_plan('plan_xxxxxxxxxxx', [
    'template' => 'plans/detail.html',
    'return_url' => SITE_URL . '/subscription/success',
    'cancel_url' => SITE_URL . '/subscription/error',
    'customer_email' => 'member',


Get or output plans for a single product.

pipit_stripe_plans_for($productID, $opts, $return_html);
Name Type Description
$productID string Plan ID e.g. prod_xxxxxxxxxxx
$opts array Options array.
$return_html boolean Set to true to have the rendered HTML returned instead of echoed. This is ignored if $opts['skip-template'] = true.
pipit_stripe_plans_for('prod_xxxxxxxxxxx', [
    'template' => 'plans/list.html',
    'return_url' => SITE_URL . '/subscription/success',
    'cancel_url' => SITE_URL . '/subscription/error',
    'customer_email' => 'member',

Product Functions


Get or output all products.

pipit_stripe_products($opts, $return_html);


Name Type Description
$opts array Options array. See table below.
$return_html boolean Set to true to have the rendered HTML returned instead of echoed. This is ignored if $opts['skip-template'] = true.


Option Value Default
template The name of a template to use to display the content. products/list.html
skip-template True or false. Bypass template processing and return the content in an associative array. false
return-html True or false. For use with skip-template. Adds the HTML onto the end of the returned array with key html. false
    'template' => 'products/list.html',
$plans = pipit_stripe_products(['skip-template' => true]);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($plans, 1) . '</pre>';


Get or output a single product.

pipit_stripe_product($productID, $opts, $return_html);
Name Type Description
$productID string Plan ID e.g. prod_xxxxxxxxxxx
$opts array Options array.
$return_html boolean Set to true to have the rendered HTML returned instead of echoed. This is ignored if $opts['skip-template'] = true.
pipit_stripe_product('prod_xxxxxxxxxxx', [
    'template' => 'products/detail.html',

Customer Functions

The customers (and their subscriptions) data is not cached like the products and plans. Unlike the Products and Plans functions, the customer functions return Stripe objects (or false).


Retrieve customers from Stripe API.

$customers = pipit_stripe_get_customers($opts);

$opts is an option array. Refer to Stripe documentation for available options.


Retrieve a single customer from Stripe API.

$customer = pipit_stripe_get_customer($customerID);


Retrieve a single customer's subscriptions from Stripe API.

$subscriptions = pipit_stripe_get_customer_subscriptions($email);

For a logged-in member (using the Perch Members app):

$email = perch_member_get('email');
$subscriptions = pipit_stripe_get_customer_subscriptions($email);

Subscription Functions


Outputs a subscription cancellation form. The user must be a logged-in member, otherwise the form will not attempt to unsubscribe anyone.

pipit_stripe_unsubscribe_form($planID, $subscriptionID, $opts, $return_html);
Name Type Description
$planID string Plan ID e.g. plan_xxxxxxxxxxx
$subscriptionID string subscription ID
$opts array Options array.
$return_html boolean Set to true to have the rendered HTML returned instead of echoed. This is ignored if $opts['skip-template'] = true.


Option Value Default
template The name of a template to use to display the content. plans/unsubscribe_form.html
skip-template True or false. Bypass template processing and return the content in an associative array. false
return-html True or false. For use with skip-template. Adds the HTML onto the end of the returned array with key html. false
return_url The URL to which the app redirects upon a successful cancellation. /unsubscribe/success

You need to provide the plan ID or the subscription ID. You don't have to provide both. In case you have access to both, providing the subscription ID is preferred.

How to get the plan ID or the subscription ID ultimately depends on your use-case. If your project only has one plan and a customer can only be subscribed to a single plan at a time, then adding the subscription ID as a Perch Member tag (when Stripe fires an event to your webhook endpoint) can be a good solution. However, if your use-case is more complex, you may need to use some of the customer functions above to fetch the customer's subscriptions dynamically.


You can use this function if you know the subscription ID and want to programmatically cancel it instead of using pipit_stripe_unsubscribe_form().

pipit_stripe_cancel_subscription($subscriptionID, $cancel_at_end);
Name Type Description
$planID string Plan ID e.g. plan_xxxxxxxxxxx
$cancel_at_end boolean Whether to cancel the subscription immediately or at the end of it. Default true


You can use this function if you know the plan ID and the customer email, and want to programmatically cancel the subscription instead of using pipit_stripe_unsubscribe_form().

pipit_stripe_cancel_customer_plan($planID, $cancel_at_end, $email);
Name Type Description
$subscriptionID string subscription ID
$cancel_at_end boolean Whether to cancel the subscription immediately or at the end of it. Default true
$email string The customer email. Use member and the app will use the logged-in member's email address. Default member.


Programmatically update a subscription.

pipit_stripe_update_subscription($subscriptionID, $opts);
Name Type Description
$subscriptionID string subscription ID
$opts array Options array. Refer to Stripe documentation.
// get a customer's subscriptions
$email = perch_member_get('email');
$subs = pipit_stripe_get_customer_subscriptions($email);

// find the subscription you want to upgrade/downgrade
foreach($subs as $Subscription) {
    // $Subscription is a Stripe object

    if(/* your condition */) {
        // Plan ID you want to upgrade/downgrade to
        $planID = 'plan_xxxx';

        // update the subscription
        pipit_stripe_update_subscription($Subscription->id, [
            'cancel_at_period_end' => false,
            'items' => [
                    'id' => $Subscription->items->data[0]->id,
                    'plan' => $planID,

Helpful resources:

Webhook functions


The function verifies the webhook signature and fires a Perch event. To be used in the webhook endpoint that listens to Stripe events.

The function sends a 400 HTTP response code if the payload or webhook signature is invalid.

// JSON payload
$payload = @file_get_contents('php://input');

// get Stripe event and verify signature
$event = pipit_stripe_webhook_event($payload, $sig_header);

// handle events
switch($event->type) {
    case 'invoice.payment_succeeded':
    case 'invoice.payment_failed':
    case 'customer.subscription.deleted':

// Return a response to acknowledge receipt of the event


Copy the default templates from pipit_stripe/templates (minus the the stripe/admin folder) and place it in perch/templates.

The app uses the perch:stripe namespace.


On the pages you output the subscribe buttons, you need to include Stripe.js:

<script src=""></script>

You also need to create an instance of the Stripe object:

var stripe = Stripe('your_publishable_key');

You could use your PHP constant here:

    var stripe = Stripe('<?= PIPIT_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY ?>');

To use the SCA-ready Stripe Checkout, you may need to specify which beta version you're using:

    var stripe = Stripe('<?= PIPIT_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY ?>', [
        betas: ['checkout_beta_4']

Subscribe buttons

The subscribe buttons can be output with the app's plans functions. You can output a <button> with data attributes to handle things dyanmically:

<button data-stripe-btn role="link" data-stripe-plan="<perch:stripe id="id">" data-stripe-qty="1"
        data-stripe-return-url="<perch:stripe id="return_url">"
        data-stripe-cancel-url="<perch:stripe id="cancel_url">"
        data-stripe-customer-email="<perch:stripe id="customer_email">" >


<div id="error-message" class="error"></div>
var stripeBtns = document.querySelectorAll('[data-stripe-btn]');
stripeBtns.forEach(function(element) {
    element.addEventListener('click', function(){
        // When the customer clicks on the button, redirect
        // them to Checkout.
            items: [{plan: element.dataset.stripePlan, quantity: parseInt(element.dataset.stripeQty)}],

            successUrl: element.dataset.stripeReturnUrl,
            cancelUrl: element.dataset.stripeCancelUrl,
            customerEmail: element.dataset.stripeCustomerEmail,
        .then(function (result) {
            if (result.error) {
                // If `redirectToCheckout` fails due to a browser or network
                // error, display the localized error message to your customer.
                var displayError = document.getElementById('error-message');
                displayError.textContent = result.error.message;