Have a CLI to all GraphQL servers!
gCLI transforms a GraphQL schema into a CLI, allowing you to query, run mutations (in the future) and see relevant fields you can query via generated help.
In a directory of your choice, run
graphql init
and setup a project with a default endpoint.
This will create .graphqlconfig.yaml file that then will be used by gcli. The project name will be used in commands, e.g.:
gcli github viewer url
Help shows fields of a type on the given selection set:
➜ ✗ gcli github --help
Usage: gcli github <field> ...
-h, --help Show help [commands: help] [boolean]
codeOfConduct Look up a code of conduct by its key
codesOfConduct Look up a code of conduct by its key
license Look up an open source license by its key
licenses Return a list of known open source licenses
marketplaceCategories Get alphabetically sorted list of Marketplace categories
marketplaceCategory Look up a Marketplace category by its slug.
marketplaceListing Look up a single Marketplace listing
marketplaceListings Look up Marketplace listings
meta Return information about the GitHub instance
You can use scalar parameters and query sub-fields:
➜ ✗ gcli github viewer repository --name gcli description
'Command line interface for any GraphQL server'