The data for the prediction of stroke collected from kaggle database This data set contain 5110 observations and 12 attributions.The first column contain unique ID number of each patients.
- Getting libraries
- Checking for sample and feature number
- Getting data information
- Checking for missing values
So, here it has been observed that the sample number has been reduced to 4909 from 5110. The inputation has not performed becuse the missing value percentage is less than 50% and the feature can not be inputated (it will change the feature).
- Saving the clean version of data
Observation: For distribution of age the skewness is higher in stroke patients.At the same time, bmi level is higher with stroke patient. Moreover, in response to average glucose level the skewness is extremly higher for people without stroke in comparison to stroked people.
- The stroke rate in male and female is almost closer but female has more stroke rate than male.
- People with hypertension and heart disease has very little stroke rate.
- Comapred to the unmarried people, the stroke rate is higher in married people.
- Among private, self-employed, Govt job, children and never worked persons the private job holders have the greatest stroke rate.
- There is almost no differences in stroke occurance in urban and rural area people.
- People who smokes and formerly smoked combainedly have higher stroke possibility than people who never smoked.
95.74% did not have a stroke
4.26% did have a stroke
- There is no strong correlation between the features.
- The heighst correlation can be observed between bmi and age.
- In order to the formation of two-dimentional binary matrix, where particular category is represented by each column, we had to convert the categorical variables into the Dummy variables.
The goal of the Data Preprocessing is to find the best predictive features of the data and filter it so that it will enhance the predictive power of the analytics model.
- Here, I assign all of the features to a NumPy array X, and transform the class labels from the original string representation into integers.
The method is used to evaluate the performance of mechine learning algorithm by using different training and testing datasets.
***Split the available data into a training set and a testing set. (70% training, 30% test)
Standardization is a useful technique to transform attributes with a Gaussian distribution and differing means and standard deviations to a standard Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
- sklearn is used to scale and transform the data in such a way so that each attribute has a mean value of zero(0) and a standard deviation of one(1).
Visual representation of first two principal components of stroke and without stroke patients.
The most obvious change in slope in the scree plot occurs at component 2.5, which is the “elbow” of the scree plot. Therefore, it cound be argued based on the basis of the scree plot that the first three components should be retained.
- Model Fitting The following classifiers have been used
Model | train_accuracy | test_accuracy |
Logistic Regression | 95.63 | 96.06 |
SVM-linear | 95.61 | 96.06 |
SVM-RBF | 95.61 | 96.06 |
KNN | 95.95 | 95.45 |
- Comparison of classsifiers
Each classification model has been optimized.
Model | score | tuned_score |
Logistic Regression | 96.06 | 96.06 |
SVM-linear | 96.06 | 96.06 |
SVM-RBF | 96.06 | 96.06 |
KNN | 95.79 | 95.99 |