released this
17 Mar 00:46
179 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
- [#83] Added renovate rule to lock dependency to *.0.0 - Thanks to @pingu2k4!
- [#79] Rolled back min required versions to *.0.0 to enhance compatiability - Thanks to @pingu2k4!
- [#77] Update dependency Verify.Xunit to v23.5.2 - Thanks to @renovate!
- [#74] Update dependency Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to v17.9.0 - Thanks to @renovate!
- [#71] Update dotnet monorepo - Thanks to @renovate!
- [#73] Update dependency xunit.runner.visualstudio to v2.5.7 - Thanks to @renovate!
- [#72] Update dependency coverlet.collector to v6.0.2 - Thanks to @renovate!
- [#66] Update dotnet monorepo - Thanks to @renovate!
- [#65] Pin dependencies - Thanks to @renovate!
- [#63] Added renovate - Thanks to @pingu2k4!
- [#54] Bump coverlet.collector from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 in /tests/PinguApps.Blazor.QRCode.Tests - Thanks to @dependabot!
- [#53] Bump Verify.Xunit from 23.1.0 to 23.2.3 in /tests/PinguApps.Blazor.QRCode.Tests - Thanks to @dependabot!
- [#52] Bump bunit, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /tests/PinguApps.Blazor.QRCode.Tests - Thanks to @dependabot!
- [#51] Bump xunit from 2.6.6 to 2.7.0 in /tests/PinguApps.Blazor.QRCode.Tests - Thanks to @dependabot!
- [#49] Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /src/BlazorWasmNet6 - Thanks to @dependabot!
- [#46] Bump actions/setup-dotnet from 1 to 4 - Thanks to @dependabot!
- [#45] Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 - Thanks to @dependabot!
- [#44] Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5 to 6 - Thanks to @dependabot!