This repository contains all the components needed to run the Earudite platform. In summary, Earudite is a platform designed to crowdsource the collection of training data using Quiz bowl questions to improve automatic speech recognition systems.
- Get the connection string for the MongoDB Client from the Quizzr Atlas (accessed through the Quizzr Google account).
- Create a directory at the project root named
- Generate a private key for the Firebase Admin SDK service account and store it at
- Create JSON file
as shown below. Make sure to populate the values.
"apiKey": "",
"authDomain": "",
"projectId": "",
"storageBucket": "",
"messagingSenderId": "",
"appId": ""
- Create JSON file
as shown below. Replace <email_address> with the email address to use when sending emails to registering users and with the corresponding password.
"user": "<email_address>"
"pass": "<password>"
export MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING=<connection-string>
export PUBLIC_IP=<public-ip-of-machine>
cp -r secrets/ server/
cp -r secrets/ hls
cp -r secrets/ quizzr-socket-server/
cp -r secrets/ quizzr_server/
cp -r secrets/ browser-asr/src
docker compose build
Make sure you add the public IP to the Firebase authorized domains (under Settings > Authentication)
docker compose create
docker compose start
After starting docker services, the site should be available at https://PUBLIC_IP:8443 where PUBLIC_IP is the public IP of your VM. You may need to enable insecure content on your browser, since we are using a self signed certificate for https.