This project will be a proof of concept on a very small author for a fully annotated edition of a manuscript. Aristodemus, FGrHist 104 is a good test because:
- it comes out of a part of one manuscript,
- there is also a papyrus
- there is indirect tradition to be represented
- it speaks about a very well studied period of history, the pentecontaetia
- it is short
- it is simple
- it contains famous people
- it contains famous places
- it refers to famous events
- it is related to some historical inscriptions The XML of the text will be in TEI, places annotation following pelagios cookbook, people annotation following snap. The manuscript, Cod. Par. Suppl. gr. 607, is preserved at the Cabinet de Manuscrits and is digitized and made available by the Bibliothéque National the France. The papyrus, P.Oxy 27.2469 is preserved at the British Library.
LombardPress customization for EpiDoc will be used to produce PDF