Ruby script to power the Dreamcheeky USB webmail notifier gadget.
- Ruby 1.9.2 or newer
Assuming RubyGems isn't down you can install the Gem as following:
$ gem install usblamp
Usage: usblamp [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]
-v, --version Shows the current version
-r, --red Red
-g, --green Green
-b, --blue Blue
-c, --color Color
-h, --help Display this help message.
Available commands:
fadein Fade in effect
blink Blink effect
Should be run as root unless the necessary udev rules are set.
Create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/42-usblamp.rules
And add this content by replacing got
by your username:
SUBSYSTEM !="usb_device", ACTION !="add", GOTO="datalogger_rules_end"
SYSFS{idVendor} =="1d34", SYSFS{idProduct} =="0004", SYMLINK+="datalogger"
MODE="0666", OWNER="got", GROUP="root"
Install dependencies:
$ bundle install
To run tests:
$ bundle exec rake