This Kettle Logic can be used to run a Speidel Braumeister with CraftbeerPi4. It is based on this cbpi3 Plugin (
- The Kettle logic is intended to be used in a single Kettle. It is a PID logic. PID parameters can be for instance derived from the PID AutoTune plugin (
- It runs on PID control until it reaches a specified temperature. Above that temperature it heats w/o PID logic until a specified boil temp is reached.
- Power to run boil can be specified in the plugin
- Pump Intervals cen be set to have a pump rest on specified intervals for a specified time (e.g. 60 seconds every 600 seconds which is a default for the Braumeister controller)
You can install it directly via
- sudo pip3 install cbpi4-BM-PID-SmartBoilWithPump
Alternatively you can install (or clone) it from the GIT Repo. In case of updates, you will find them here first:
- P: Proportional - Takes current value into account
- I: Integral - Takes past values into account
- D: Derivative - Takes future values into account
- SampleTime - 2 or 5 seconds -> how often the logic calculates the power setting
- Max Pump Temp: Pump is switched off above this temperature and cannot be switched back on
- Max Boil Output: Maximum Power during when Boil Temp is reached
- Max Boil Temp: When Temp is reached, power is set to Max Boil Output
- Max PID Temp: PID is switched off above this temperature
- RestOnActiveTimer: Yes: Pump will rest only on active step timer. No: Pump rest is not dependent on mash steps
- Rest Interval: Time interval in seconds after which Pump is switched off
- Rest Time: Pump is switched off for specified time in seconds
Fixed in Code:
- Max Output: Maximum Power (%) to be used for PID during Ramp up -> 100%
- 26.05.24: (0.1.7) De(activation) of pump pause during active timer as Option. Automode will now also work w/o steps
- 14.06.22: (0.1.6) Disable pump pause during temperature ramp -> pause will take effect only on active timer
- 11.05.22: (0.1.5) Updated README (removed cbpi add)
- 10.05.22: (0.1.4) removed cbpi dependency
- 30.12.21: (0.1.3) Fixed 0 pump/rest time -> Pump will be switched on at start and off if temp is above control limit. But no pump pause is triggered
- 01.12.21: (0.1.2) Added security feature: current kettle power is monitored continuously and overwritten in case it's different from the logic loop value
- 21.11.21: Updated setup and Readme
- 15.11.21: Adapted to cbpi with actor power settings
- 01.11.21: Merged Pull request from madhatguy and fixed some bugs
- 15.03.21: Support for cbpi >=
- 31.10.21: Changed logic to coroutines