Visit the Probably website for API documentation and how to use the command-line interface!
Probably is a Python package for parsing, type-checking, and analyzing probabilistic programs written in the pGCL language.
- pGCL language support: Constants, variables, static types (boolean, (bounded) natural numbers, floats), literals, unary and binary operators, while loops, conditional if statements, assignments, probabilistic choices.
- Weakest pre-expectation calculation for loop-free and linear pGCL programs.
- Translation from general expectations to linear expectations and expectations in summation normal form.
- Program AST traversal and modification using iterators over mutable references.
- General algorithm for variable substitution in program expressions with substitution expressions.
- Detailed documentation, lots of examples, extensive automated tests.
Visit the Probably website for API documentation and how to use the command-line interface.
Use command line:
$ poetry install; poetry shell
$ poetry run probably example.pgcl
Program source:
bool f;
nat c;
while (c < 10 & f) {
{c := c+1} [0.8] {f:=true}
Program is linear.
Summation Normal Expectation: [(c < 10) & f] * 0.8 * (Y)[c/c + 1] + [(c < 10) & f] * (1.0 - 0.8) * (Y)[f/true] + [not ((c < 10) & f)]
We use poetry for dependency management.
See here for installation instructions for poetry.
You may need to adjust the python dependency in pyproject.toml
to python = "^3.6"
and call poetry env use python3
for some reason.
Add as a dependency: You can add this project as a dependency with (more information):
poetry add git+
Work on probably itself:
Just execute poetry install
to hack on this project locally.
You can use path
dependencies so you can modify probably
locally as a dependency of another project.
Docs: Build the documentation with make docs
: It'll be in docs/build/html
Typechecking: Run mypy
with make mypy
Tests: Run tests with make test
Tests also produce a coverage report. It can be found in the generated htmlcov
Lint: Run pylint
with make lint
Formatting: We use the yapf
formatter: yapf --recursive -i probably/
and isort probably/