Switch TP-Link Plug and Bulb
NodeJs >> 6.x.x
- (arteck) support for compact-mode added
- (arteck) LB100 added
- (arteck) totalNow is day total
- (arteck) ver. 2.0 update
add voltage
- (arteck) neue Plug HS110 Version unterstützung
- (arteck) Admin 3 update
open settigs and set the new checkbox enable or disable
this option is for plugs or bulbs they are temporary offline
- (arteck) Admin 3 update api add enable/disable mod on admin
- (arteck) add offline device
- (arteck) add last update
- (arteck) energy log HS110 month values
- (arteck) energy log HS110
- (arteck) energy log HS110
- (arteck) new used api from plasticrake/tplink-smarthome-api
- (arteck)
- (arteck) HS110 status
- (arteck) HS110
- (arteck) HS110
- (arteck) HS110 corr getConsumption
- (arteck) HS110 getConsumption()
- (arteck) corr first start
- (arteck) first free test version