Quantum mechanics and quantum optics lectures and demonstrations using QuTiP. For more information about QuTiP, see
To open these notebooks in IPython, download the files to a directory on your computer and from that directory run:
$ ipython notebook
This will open a new page in your browser with a list of the available notebooks.
Use the following links:
- Lecture-0 Introduction to QuTiP
- Lecture-1 Jaynes-Cumming model
- Lecture-2A Cavity-Qubit Gates
- Lecture-2B Single-Atom Lasing
- Lecture-3A Dicke model
- Lecture-3B Jaynes-Cumming with ultrastrong coupling
- Lecture-4 Correlation Functions
- Lecture-5 Parametric Amplifier
- Lecture-6 Quantum Monte Carlo Trajectories
- Lecture-7 iSWAP-gate
- Lecture-8 Adiabatic quantum computing
- Lecture-9 Squeezed states of harmonic oscillator
- Lecture-10 cQED in the dispersive regime
- Lecture-11 Charge Qubits
- Lecture-12 Decay into a squeezed vacuum field
- Lecture-14 Kerr nonlinearities