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dhruvm9 committed Sep 14, 2023
1 parent 91d72f9 commit dc54a73
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Showing 2 changed files with 373 additions and 0 deletions.
219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions Analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Sep 14 10:29:12 2023
@author: dhruv

#import dependencies
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from Dependencies.functions import *
from Dependencies.wrappers import *
import os
from Dependencies import neuroseries as nts
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, wilcoxon, mannwhitneyu
import seaborn as sns

#%% Data organization

data_directory = '/media/DataDhruv/Dropbox (Peyrache Lab)/Peyrache Lab Team Folder/Data/AdrianPoSub/###AllPoSub'
datasets = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(data_directory,'dataset_Hor_DM.list'), delimiter = '\n', dtype = str, comments = '#')

readpath = '/media/DataDhruv/Dropbox (Peyrache Lab)/Peyrache Lab Team Folder/Projects/PoSub-UPstate/Data'
writepath = '/home/dhruv/Code/MehrotraLevenstein_2023/Analysis/OutputFiles'

allcoefs_up_ex = []
allcoefs_dn_ex = []

for s in datasets:

name = s.split('/')[-1]
path = os.path.join(data_directory, s)
rawpath = os.path.join(readpath,s)

###Loading the data
spikes, shank = loadSpikeData(path)
n_channels, fs, shank_to_channel = loadXML(rawpath)

###Load cell depths
filepath = os.path.join(path, 'Analysis')
listdir = os.listdir(filepath)
file = [f for f in listdir if 'CellDepth' in f]
celldepth =,file[0]))
depth = celldepth['cellDep']

###Load cell types
file = [f for f in listdir if 'CellTypes' in f]
celltype =,file[0]))

pyr = []
interneuron = []
hd = []

for i in range(len(spikes)):
if celltype['ex'][i] == 1 and celltype['gd'][i] == 1:

for i in range(len(spikes)):
if celltype['fs'][i] == 1 and celltype['gd'][i] == 1:

for i in range(len(spikes)):
if celltype['hd'][i] == 1 and celltype['gd'][i] == 1:

###Load UP and DOWN states
file = os.path.join(writepath, name +'')
if os.path.exists(file):
tmp = np.genfromtxt(file)[:,0]
tmp = tmp.reshape(len(tmp)//2,2)/1000
down_ep = nts.IntervalSet(start = tmp[:,0], end = tmp[:,1], time_units = 's')

file = os.path.join(writepath, name +'')
if os.path.exists(file):
tmp = np.genfromtxt(file)[:,0]
tmp = tmp.reshape(len(tmp)//2,2)/1000
up_ep = nts.IntervalSet(start = tmp[:,0], end = tmp[:,1], time_units = 's')

#%% Compute Peri-event time Histogram (PETH) for UP onset

binsize = 5
nbins = 1000
neurons = list(spikes.keys())
times = np.arange(0, binsize*(nbins+1), binsize) - (nbins*binsize)/2
cc = pd.DataFrame(index = times, columns = neurons)
tsd_up = up_ep.as_units('ms').start.values

rates = []

for i in neurons:
spk2 = spikes[i].restrict(up_ep).as_units('ms').index.values
tmp = crossCorr(tsd_up, spk2, binsize, nbins)

tmp = pd.DataFrame(tmp)
tmp = tmp.rolling(window=8, win_type='gaussian',center=True,min_periods=1).mean(std = 2)

#Normalize PETH by mean rate
fr = len(spk2)/up_ep.tot_length('s')
cc[i] = tmp.values
cc[i] = tmp.values/fr
dd = cc[0:150]

#Only EX cells
ee = dd[pyr]

#%% Compute UP state Onset

indexplot_ex = []
depths_keeping_ex = []

for i in range(len(ee.columns)):
a = np.where(ee.iloc[:,i] > 0.5)
if len(a[0]) > 0:
res = ee.iloc[:,i].index[a]

#Onset v/s depth correlation
coef_ex, p_ex = kendalltau(indexplot_ex, depths_keeping_ex)

#%% Compute PETH for DOWN onset

binsize = 5
nbins = 1000
neurons = list(spikes.keys())
times = np.arange(0, binsize*(nbins+1), binsize) - (nbins*binsize)/2
cc = pd.DataFrame(index = times, columns = neurons)
tsd_dn = down_ep.as_units('ms').start.values

rates = []

for i in neurons:
spk2 = spikes[i].restrict(up_ep).as_units('ms').index.values
tmp = crossCorr(tsd_dn, spk2, binsize, nbins)
tmp = pd.DataFrame(tmp)
tmp = tmp.rolling(window=8, win_type='gaussian',center=True,min_periods=1).mean(std = 2)

#Normalize PETH by mean rate
fr = len(spk2)/up_ep.tot_length('s')
cc[i] = tmp.values
cc[i] = tmp.values/fr

dd = cc[-250:250]

#Only EX cells
ee = dd[pyr]

#%% Compute DOWN state onset

tmp_ex = ee.loc[5:] > 0.5

tokeep_ex = tmp_ex.columns[tmp_ex.sum(0) > 0]
ends_ex = np.array([tmp_ex.index[np.where(tmp_ex[i])[0][0]] for i in tokeep_ex])
es_ex = pd.Series(index = tokeep_ex, data = ends_ex)

tmp2_ex = ee.loc[-150:-5] > 0.5

tokeep2_ex = tmp2_ex.columns[tmp2_ex.sum(0) > 0]
start_ex = np.array([tmp2_ex.index[np.where(tmp2_ex[i])[0][-1]] for i in tokeep2_ex])
st_ex = pd.Series(index = tokeep2_ex, data = start_ex)

ix_ex = np.intersect1d(tokeep_ex,tokeep2_ex)
ix_ex = [int(i) for i in ix_ex]

depths_keeping_ex = depth[ix_ex]

#Onset v/s depth correlation
coef_ex, p_ex = kendalltau(st_ex[ix_ex], depths_keeping_ex)

#%% Summary data

DUcorr = pd.DataFrame(allcoefs_up_ex)
UDcorr = pd.DataFrame(allcoefs_dn_ex)
DUtype = pd.DataFrame(['DU' for x in range(len(allcoefs_up_ex))])
UDtype = pd.DataFrame(['UD' for x in range(len(allcoefs_dn_ex))])

summary = pd.DataFrame()
summary['corr'] = pd.concat([DUcorr,UDcorr])
summary['type'] = pd.concat([DUtype,UDtype])

#%% Plotting

palette = ['royalblue', 'lightsteelblue']
ax = sns.violinplot( x = summary['type'], y= summary['corr'] , data = summary, dodge = False,
palette = palette,cut = 2,
scale="width", inner=None)
ax.tick_params(bottom=True, left=True)
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
for violin in ax.collections:
x0, y0, width, height = violin.get_paths()[0].get_extents().bounds
violin.set_clip_path(plt.Rectangle((x0, y0), width / 2, height, transform=ax.transData))
sns.boxplot(x = summary['type'], y = summary['corr'] , data = summary, saturation = 1, showfliers = False,
width = 0.3, boxprops = {'zorder': 3, 'facecolor': 'none'}, ax = ax)
old_len_collections = len(ax.collections)
sns.swarmplot(x = summary['type'], y = summary['corr'], data = summary, color = 'k', dodge = False, ax = ax)

for dots in ax.collections[old_len_collections:]:
plt.axhline(0, color = 'silver')
plt.ylabel('Delay v/s depth (R)')

#%% Stats

w_up, p_up = wilcoxon(np.array(allcoefs_up_ex)-0)
w_dn, p_dn = wilcoxon(np.array(allcoefs_dn_ex)-0)
t, p = mannwhitneyu(allcoefs_up_ex, allcoefs_dn_ex)
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions Analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Sep 14 16:45:10 2023
@author: dhruv

#import dependencies
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from Dependencies.functions import *
from Dependencies.wrappers import *
import os
from Dependencies import neuroseries as nts
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import wilcoxon

#%% Data organization

data_directory = '/media/DataDhruv/Dropbox (Peyrache Lab)/Peyrache Lab Team Folder/Data/AdrianPoSub/###AllPoSub'
datasets = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(data_directory,'dataset_Hor_DM.list'), delimiter = '\n', dtype = str, comments = '#')

readpath = '/media/DataDhruv/Dropbox (Peyrache Lab)/Peyrache Lab Team Folder/Projects/PoSub-UPstate/Data'
writepath = '/home/dhruv/Code/MehrotraLevenstein_2023/Analysis/OutputFiles'

dur_D = []
dur_V = []

for s in datasets:

name = s.split('/')[-1]
path = os.path.join(data_directory, s)
rawpath = os.path.join(readpath,s)

###Loading the data
spikes, shank = loadSpikeData(path)
n_channels, fs, shank_to_channel = loadXML(rawpath)

###Load cell depths
filepath = os.path.join(path, 'Analysis')
listdir = os.listdir(filepath)
file = [f for f in listdir if 'CellDepth' in f]
celldepth =,file[0]))
depth = celldepth['cellDep']

###Load cell types
file = [f for f in listdir if 'CellTypes' in f]
celltype =,file[0]))

###Load global UP and DOWN states
file = os.path.join(writepath, name +'')
if os.path.exists(file):
tmp = np.genfromtxt(file)[:,0]
tmp = tmp.reshape(len(tmp)//2,2)/1000
down_ep = nts.IntervalSet(start = tmp[:,0], end = tmp[:,1], time_units = 's')

file = os.path.join(writepath, name +'')
if os.path.exists(file):
tmp = np.genfromtxt(file)[:,0]
tmp = tmp.reshape(len(tmp)//2,2)/1000
up_ep = nts.IntervalSet(start = tmp[:,0], end = tmp[:,1], time_units = 's')

#%% Determine which units are in dorsal or ventral portion

data = pd.DataFrame()
data['depth'] = np.reshape(depth,(len(spikes.keys())),)
data['level'] = pd.cut(data['depth'],2, precision=0, labels=[1,0]) #0 is dorsal, 1 is ventral
data['celltype'] = np.nan
data['gd'] = 0

for i in range(len(spikes)):
if celltype['gd'][i] == 1:
data.loc[i,'gd'] = 1

data = data[data['gd'] == 1]

#%% Split population activity into dorsal and ventral

mua = {}

latency_dorsal = []
latency_ventral = []

# define mua for dorsal and ventral
for i in range(2):
mua[i] = []
for n in data[data['level'] == i].index:
mua[i] = nts.Ts(t = np.sort(np.hstack(mua[i])))

#%% Compute PETH of dorsal and ventral MUA around global DOWN state
### And determine the threshold crossing

binsize = 5
nbins = 1000
neurons = list(mua.keys())
times = np.arange(0, binsize*(nbins+1), binsize) - (nbins*binsize)/2
cc = pd.DataFrame(index = times, columns = neurons)
tsd_dn = down_ep.as_units('ms').start.values

rates = []

ddur = []
vdur = []

for i in neurons:
spk2 = mua[i].restrict(up_ep).as_units('ms').index.values
tmp = crossCorr(tsd_dn, spk2, binsize, nbins)
tmp = pd.DataFrame(tmp)
tmp = tmp.rolling(window=8, win_type='gaussian',center=True,min_periods=1).mean(std = 2)

#Normalize PETH by mean rate
fr = len(spk2)/up_ep.tot_length('s')
cc[i] = tmp.values
cc[i] = tmp.values/fr

dd = cc[-250:250]

#Threshold crossing
tmp = dd[i].loc[5:] > 0.2
ends = tmp.where(tmp == True).first_valid_index()

tmp2 = dd[i].loc[-150:-5] > 0.2
start = tmp2.where(tmp2 == True).last_valid_index()

#Categorize the durations by anatomical position
if i == 0:
ddur.append(ends - start)
vdur.append(ends - start)

#Compute dorsal and ventral DOWN state durations for all datasets

#%% Plotting

plt.scatter(dur_D, dur_V, color = 'k', zorder = 3)
plt.gca().axline((min(min(dur_D),min(dur_V)),min(min(dur_D),min(dur_V)) ), slope=1, color = 'silver', linestyle = '--')
plt.xlabel('Dorsal DOWN duration (ms)')
plt.ylabel('Ventral DOWN duration (ms)')

#%% Stats

W,p = wilcoxon(dur_D,dur_V)

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