God's Play is a multiplayer turn-based tactical game about mages trying to destroy each other. As they fight they spread havoc and destruction around themselves without considering consequences.
This game is created as a pet project to try out ES6 features, PIXI.js, and practice programming the way I want, without the pressure of deadlines and clients. A big inspiration for this game was a great multiplayer game Greed Corp.
Started on the TypeScript Boilerplate for 2021 by Chris Hager. Thanks!
You can install and run the application on a local machine via Yarn commands:
yarn install
# Now you can run various yarn commands:
yarn cli
yarn lint
yarn test
yarn build-all
yarn ts-node <filename>
yarn esbuild-browser
The project is deployed automatically to GitHub pages: http://petrheinz.github.io/gods-play/