Mopidy extension to display track information on a VFD
Raspbian and Mopidy installation
Follow the instructions on to install both the Raspberry PI Debian based operating system as well as Mopidy.
PIP support
Raspberry buster comes with python3.7, but not with pip, so:
sudo apt install python3-pip
SPI support
First, run:
sudo raspi-config
and enable SPI. The SPI python driver has to be installed:
sudo python3.7 -m pip install spidev
Nortitake support
For now, until there is a pypi package available:
sudo apt install git git clone cd noritake sudo python3.7 ./ install
For now, until there is a pypi package available:
sudo apt install git git clone cd mopidy-vfd sudo python3.7 ./ install
Before starting Mopidy, you must add configuration for Mopidy-VFD to your Mopidy configuration file:
[vfd] # TODO: Add example of extension config
- Original author: Peter Wurmsdobler
- Current maintainer: Peter Wurmsdobler
- Contributors