Windows WSL used
install rust & wasm : https://antweiss.com/blog/extending-envoy-with-wasm-and-rust/
examples : https://github.com/proxy-wasm/proxy-wasm-rust-sdk/tree/master/examples
cargo new --lib pekerustallround1
cd pekerustallround1
code .
(Visual Studio Code)
change Cargo.toml
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
path = "src/lib.rs"
proxy-wasm = "0.1.3"
log = "0.4.8"
serde_json = "1.0"
change src/lib.rs to implement your code
compile to wasm :
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
docker-compose up
curl -v -H "info: my little secret" http://localhost:8080/anything
"secret" will be replaced with "open" in response, transponder configurations will be shown
json from config is parsed and value of "extraUrlsToMask" is shown in header info "Peke-Extra-Url-Mask" response
json config parsing is also used to get intermediate svc definition
call to intermediate service is done and value of result is upstreamed in header "Peke-First-Byte-Check"
docker-compose down
install httpbin :
kubectl apply -f httpbin.yaml
install peke-echo :
kubectl apply -f peke-echo.yaml
build and tag image :
wasme build precompiled ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/pekerustallround1.wasm -t webassemblyhub.io/peke/pekerustallround:v0.1
verify image :
wasme list
push image :
wasme login -u Peke
wasme push webassemblyhub.io/peke/pekerustallround:v0.1
install wasme operator/cache 0.0.32 (if startup hangs, remove all FilterDeployments and reinstall wasme operator)
install filterDeployment for peke-echo :
kubectl apply -f peke-echo-v1-pekerustallround.yaml
if filter doens't get pulled (see logs of wasme operator) : delete (and restart) wasme operator pod