This needs to be run from the directory with the bat WAV files and will rename the files from SPECIES_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.wav as produced by Wildlife Acoustics Echo Meter application and saves them as YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_SPECIES.wav It then checks the GUANO Metadata to check if it contains location information, used by many post proceesing analysis applications like BTO Acoustic Pipeline.
Pre requisites
- Python
- guano-py (
- Web service that you can pass a formatted filename YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_SPECIES.wav and can return the location in the format 'latitude longitude' or blank if no location exists. Modify the following line to the web service between the < and > http://<webservice that takes file name, works out timestamp and returns loaction as 'lat long'>?filename=${newfilename}
This takes files for the last 24 hours from the BattyBitdNET-Pi and puts them in a /home/user/toTransfer/ directory It then renames files to BattyBirdNetPi_yyyymmdd_hhmmss_species.wav Finally it clones the toTransfer files to a Local and Remote SFTP location.
Pre requisits
- BattyBirdNET-Pi system
- RClone and configuration for Local / Remote locations
Edit everything as necessary to fit your needs
This script shifts the frequency of a wav file and removes the noise it also creates a slowed down by 10 times version
Pre requisits
This script shifts the frequency of a wav file and removes the noise it also creates a slowed down by 10 times version
Pre requisits
- ffmpeg