A multi-featured (and system agnostic) sound mixer/controller for Foundry VTT.
DnDj is designed to give the GM detailed and flexible control over what is being played and heard.
Use -
DnDj is launched from the bottom of the playlists sidebar. Playing/stopping tracks in the sidebar adds/removes them from the mixer.
Features at launch include -
simultaneously cross fade tracks smoothly over variable times (including snap change).
live volume control, syncing input slider and volume in real time.
master (GM) and personal (everyone) volume control.
pause (with the option to automatically pause tracks when adding to the mixer).
pin tracks. When a track in the mix stops, it is automatically removed. Pinned tracks remain.
cue tracks to unpause/pause (or if pinned start) on next fade or snap
sync everyone to the same time elapsed on all tracks (including when a player logs into a session, their audio syncs automatically with the GM's).
Session memory - the ability to load your last mix.
Upcoming features -
full featured seek within tracks.
monitoring: allowing the GM to audition tracks and volume changes without the players hearing them.
control who hears what [ e.g resolve a passive perception check with Alex hearing the approaching orcs but not Maggie or Brian.]
save multiple sessions and load them on the fly allowing a GM to seamlessly mix between presets for locations, situations or characters. This would result in...
A console for programming sessions, cues, transitions etc. The mixer becoming an interface for DnDj, not the extent of it.
Possible future features -
A soundboard. [ This is a little vanilla, but would make sense within the scope of the module.]
A satelite mixer for players [ e.g Brain is all about the delicate woodland ambience, but on the other hand Maggie wants to drown in the addrenaline of endless synths, sampled choirs and war drums. ]