Ultrasonic Levitator
Styro ball caught in the standing wave of 2 ultrasonic transducers. To move the ball i change the phase angle between the transducers. 40khz, produced by a LGT8F328P. Using timer1 and timer3.
Video showing signal to upper and lower transducer: https://youtu.be/_670pjSexg8
Older Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtqRzI3yIdQ
- 'F' an 'f' to change frequency
- 'P' an 'p' to change pwm intensity
- 'r' to move up
- 'z' to move down
- 't' to stop moving
The driver and mechanical ist two $3 aliexpress ultrasonic levitators. I use only the driver and transducer. See modified schmatic. Connection points to LGT8F328P are Gnd, Ain, Bin. Pins are Ain 1-PD1 Bin 2-PF1 and Ain 9-PB1 Bin 10-PB2