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6 Technical Design Document

FrancPS edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 33 revisions


Character Skills

1. Fang - Dash
A stretch trail effect must be added following Fang's movement when using the Dash.
No new animations.
Cooldown: 2 seconds (needs testing)
Skill Active Time: Instantaneous

Fang must be invulnerable when dashing. Deactivate collisions when in dash state. Might be achieved with an if_statement inside OnCollision.
Ensure that no damage is recieved while dashing, and can dash through lasers.
The player can only be able to dash inside the nav mesh. Any obstacles shortens the dash, and cannot jump over non-navmesh space.

2. Fang - EMP Field
Similar particle effect as switch. (Ideally, sphere mesh as a particle, but might be not necessary).
Full body animation.
Full body enemy animation: Stunned.
Cooldown: 7 seconds (needs testing)
Skill Active Time: Instantaneous

The field is represented using particles: A hemispherical electic field that grows from Fang's center to a certain radius.
The interaction is performed using a Kinematic Sphere Collider, part of the Player (or Fang) GameObject, or a child of it.
This collider is created with radius 0. When activating the ability, it expands the collider to the radius of effect, and returns to 0 when the skill finishes.
This expansion can be instantaneous, no deltaTime is needed for the radius growth, but the expansion moment shuld make sense with the particles, so a timing delay might be needed.
Consider that the collider can detect collisions when an enemy is barely in contact with it. The radius should be adapted and maybe reduced to make sense with the visual effects.
The collider must interact with enemies and enemy bullets, so a new Collision Layer might be necessary.
Enemies will become stunned, and bullets will be destroyed.
Enemies will need a new state: Stunned. In this state, they become static for some seconds. More details on this in next chapter.

3. Fang - Ultimate
Particles with spherical emmitter, with shot effects in every direction.
Another particle that shows a more visible shot to a specific enemy in the area. (The targeted enemy, see below).
Full body animation.
Cooldown: Will be recharged by killing enemies with Fang. Amount: 20. (This will be the same for Onmiaru's Ultimate) (Needs balancing)
Skill Active Time: 5 seconds (needs testing)
Movement: Speed Reduced. Rotation disabled. (These will be the same for Onmiaru's Ultimate)
For the duration of the skill, other skills are deactivated, including Switch and shooting. (This will be the same for Onimaru's Ultimate).

Another Kinematic Sphere Collider will be needed for this ability. Maybe it is possible to reuse the same Collider as in EMP Field.
It will also work similarly: will start at radius 0, expand while the skill is activated, remain there for the active time, and return to 0 when finishes.
Enemy Bullets will be destroyed when colliding with it. (Design Team is considering this)
A tick will be generated every 0.2 seconds. (time needs testing)
At each tick, one random enemy inside the skill area of effect (inside the collider) will be targeted.
The targeted enemy will recieve huge amount of damage, and the shot particle will be instantiated. The direction of this particle is from Fang to the targeted enemy.

4. Onimaru - Shield
TO DEFINE: Particle Effects
Secondary animations: Shield, Shield+Shoot.
Cooldown: 3 seconds for each charge (needs testing)
Skill Active Time: Infinite. It will have 7 charges. (needs testing)
Each bullet or hit to the shield will drop 1 charge. When left to 0 charges, the shield will drop.
The cooldown will be reduced for each remaining charge left.
The player has to hold the skill button to mantain the shield active. When releasing the button, the shield deactivates and recovers its cooldown.

An energy shield mesh apears in front of Onimaru, originating at its left arm.
A GameObject child of Onimaru that contains the mesh, collider, and particle effects.
The default state of the Shield GameObject is "deactivated", and scaled to 0.
On skill activation, the Shield object is activated and grows to proper size.
The Material of the mesh should have lighting reactions disabled. (<-Nil)
The shield is an hexagonal shape with a small curvature inwards.
The collision can be aproximated using a box collider, since the bullets and attacks will always come from a similar height.
Melee enemies can walk through the shield (if the shield mesh is big enough to pretrude the Onmiaru Agent space).
Any attack (melee or range) impacting the shield does 0 damage to the player.
Bullets will be destroyed, melee attack colliders will be disabled too.

5. Onimaru - Energy Blast
TO DEFINE: Particle Effects
Secondary animations: Energy blast, Energy Blast+Shoot.
Full body enemy animation: Pushed Back (Hurt animation will be reused for this).
Cooldown: 7 seconds (needs testing)
Skill Active Time: Instantaneous

A 30º cone AoE originating at Onimaru's left arm that pushes back enemies. (Angle and height of the cone needs balancing.)
Any enemy caught in the cone is pushed back. PushBackDirection = (enemyOrigin - coneOrigin). PushBackDistance = constant (needs balancing).
Does a bit of damage (30-50% of shot damage). (Design Team is considering including this or not).

6. Onimaru - Ultimate
Particles: A big blasting bullet (Ref: LOL Lucian ulti)
Secondary animation: Arms blast-shooting.
Cooldown: Will be recharged by killing enemies with Onimaru. Amount: 20. (This will be the same for Fang's Ultimate) (Needs balancing)
Skill Active Time: 5 seconds (needs testing)
Movement: Speed Reduced. Rotation disabled. (These will be the same for Fang's Ultimate)
For the duration of the skill, other skills are deactivated, including Switch and shooting. (This will be the same for Fang's Ultimate).

A bigger type of bullet will be shot from onimaru's machinegun. The bullets will behave as regular bullets, originating at the tip of the machinegun with a bit of scattering. Bullets will be faster and shot at a higher rate than basic shooting, also will deal more damage.

Enemy Skills

Enemy States

1. Moving

2. Attacking

3. Death

4. Stunned
Cannot move or attack. All the AI of the enemy is cancelled.
TO DEFINE: Electical particles around its body.
TO DEFINE: Another albedo overlay color will be added when the enemy is at this state.

Environment Traps

1. Lasers
TO DEFINE: Particle Effects
The laser beam will have a collider that will deal damage over time, similar to Fang's Ultimate.
2. Fire Floor


(Find the dialogues text in [](World Bible) page)
Each dialogue popup is represented by the name and portrait of the talking character and its lines inside a textbox.
If the same character says multiple lines, these might be divided in separated textboxes.
The following example would be printed in 2 textboxes, one after the other, in the same dialogue popup.




How are you?

1. Intro Cutscene

The intro cutscene will be played from a video stream, so the dialogues here will not have to be scipted in the engine.
This video will be generated using Maya rendering.
During the cutscene, there must appear an in-game SKIP button, that leads to the moment indicated in "World Bible" page.
At this moment the game starts and the 1st tutorial (Fang Skillset) appears.

2. Tutorials

The tutorials appear at the upper center of the screen.
After a tutorial appears in the screen, the game time should be stopped, so the player or enemies cannot move or shoot, and the animations are paused, etc. (The time stops after the sliding animation of the tutorial window.)
The game time reactivates at the moment the player inputs the key to close the tutorial (spacebar). (The time reactivates before closing the window, to be able to perform the close button and sliding animations.)

3. Dialogues

The dialogue windows will mostly appear during cutscenes.
Even so, some short dialogues will appear during some parts of the game (when finding an Upgrade or after some combats).
These dialogue windows will not block the game time, as they appear in "resting phases" of the gameplay.
The player should be able to advance though them and close them using the spacebar, while playing normally.

4. Upgrades

The Tutorial Upgrades windows appear in the same place as the Tutorials, but behave like Dialogues (they do not stop time).
The Upgrade Dialogues should appear always in the same order, independently of what item is picked up before.

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