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Using the Database Libraries

saphires edited this page Feb 7, 2012 · 5 revisions

YCSB 0.1.2 includes client code to interact with HBase, Cassandra and MongoDB. This code works with particular versions of each system, and may have to be modified for future versions.

Using the HBase library

The included code works with HBase version 0.20.3. To use YCSB with HBase:

  1. Use the class for the DB layer
  2. The HBase client must know how to contact the HBase Zookeeper instance. One easy way to do this is to copy hbase-0.20.3/conf/hbase-site.xml from an HBase server to your ycsb directory. For more details, see HBase 0.20.3 Client Package Description.
  3. Make sure the the HBase jars and ycsb.jar are all available on your classpath.

Using the Cassandra library

The included code works with Cassandra versions 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7. To use YCSB with Cassandra:

  1. Use the class for the DB layer (where X is 5, 6 or 7 for version 0.5, 0.6 or 0.7 respectively)
  2. Make sure to define the “hosts” property, either in the configuration properties file (-P on the command line) or on the command line itself (-p on the command line.) Hosts should be a comma separated list of Cassandra server hostnames. Be sure to list all the hostnames, so that the client can load balance its connections among all of the servers.
  3. Make sure that the Cassandra jars are available on your classpath, in addition to ycsb.jar.
  4. In Cassandra, create a keyspace called “usertable” that includes a column family called “data”.

Using the MongoDB library

The included code works with MongoDB version 1.4.2. To use YCSB with MongoDB:

  1. Use the class for the DB layer
  2. Make sure to define the mongodb.url property (for example, setting it to “mongodb://localhost:27017”).
  3. You can also define mongodb.database (for example, “ycsb”) and mongodb.writeConcern (to “normal”, “strict” or “none”)
  4. Make sure that the MongoDB jar, the slf4j jars, and the log4j jar are available on your classpath, in addition to ycsb.jar.

Using the JDBC library

The included code works with JDBC. to use YCSB with JDBC driver with MySQL as an example:

  1. Make sure the corresponding JDBC driver is installed. For mysql, it’s “mysql-connector-java”
  2. Make sure the DB driver class, JDBC url, and login credentials are correct in the config file
  3. Make sure that the mysql-connector-java-*.jar are available on your classpath, in addition to ycsb.jar
  4. In MySQL, make sure the corresponding DATABASE and TABLE are created before testing.