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Client Integration Manual


Check examples page


Basic example based on Bootstrap 3

Example 1

Example 1 RTL

The same UI/UX example like Example 1 but shows how to tackle RTL languages

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Step-by-step integration

  1. Include Client API Library into <head> section of your page
  2. Put markup, designed by your own or corporate site template
  3. Initialize integration with API key, get Hosted Fields Manager and manage protected fields using simple API

Include Client API Library

<html lang="en">
      <!-- Include Client API Library in your page -->
      <script src=""></script>

Put your payment form markup

<html lang="en">
        <!-- Include Client API Library in your page -->
        <div class="container">
          <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4">
              <div class="panel panel-default credit-card-box">
                <div class="panel-body">
                  <form role="form" id="checkout-form">
                    <div class="row">
                      <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12">
                        <div class="form-group" id="card-number-group">
                          <label for="card-number-container" class="control-label">CARD NUMBER</label>
                          <!-- Container for Credit Card number field -->
                          <div id="card-number-container" class="form-control input-lg"></div>

                    <div class="row">
                      <div class="col-xs-7 col-md-7">
                        <div class="form-group" id="card-expiration-group">
                          <label for="card-expiration-container" class="control-label">EXPIRATION DATE</label>
                          <!-- Container for Credit Card expiration date field -->
                          <div id="card-expiration-container" class="form-control input-lg"></div>
                      <div class="col-xs-5 col-md-5 pull-right">
                        <div class="form-group" id="card-cvv-group">
                          <label for="card-cvv-container" class="control-label">CVV</label>
                          <!-- Container for Credit Card CVV field -->
                          <div id="card-cvv-container" class="form-control input-lg"></div>

                    <div class="row">
                      <div class="col-xs-12">
                        <!-- Form submit button -->
                        <button class="subscribe btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block" id="submit-button" disabled>
                          Pay 55.00 USD
        <!-- PAYMENT FORM ENDS HERE -->

Initialization and interaction

<html lang="en">
        <!-- Include Client API Library into your page -->
        <!-- PAYMENT FORM ENDS HERE -->
            var apiKey = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'; // Merchant API key from Settings page in the dashboard
            PayMe.create(apiKey, { testMode: true }).then(function (instance) {
              var fields = instance.hostedFields();
              var cardNumber = fields.create('cardNumber');
              var expiration = fields.create('cardExpiration');
              var cvc = fields.create('cvc');
            }).catch(function(error) {
                // Instantiation error occurs 

Let's break down code, presented above.

First of all you must get and provide your Merchant API key from Settings page in the dashboard.

// This is the Merchant API key (Test API key in this case)
var apiKey = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';

Second, you must obtain integration instance for the merchant

var apiKey = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';

// There is optional configuration object with testMode: true
// because we are using the API key from the test server
PayMe.create(apiKey, { testMode: true })
    .then(function (instance) {
      // Here we can work with successfully initialized
      // integration instance - Integration Manager
    .catch(function(error) {
      // Here you can handle instantiation error

Initialization settings

Property Default value Available values Description
testMode false true / false Test mode - used to control in which environment payment will be processed
language 'en' 'en' / 'he' Language - controls the language of the messages and text direction (rtl or ltr). en (for English) or he (for Hebrew)
tokenIsPermanent true true / false Token is permanent - Indicates whether it is a one-time-use or multi-use token

Next step - to initialize integration type and get corresponding manager


for now only one integration type is available - Hosted Fields

Hosted fields integration type

This integration type allows you to use secure way to collect user's sensitive data for making payments.

To obtain Hosted Fields manager you must call hostedFields method

PayMe.create(key, { testMode: true })
    .then(function (instance) {
      // Getting Hosted Fields Integration manager
      var fields = instance.hostedFields();
    .catch(function(error) {

As soon as you have Hosted Fields Manager you are ready to create actual protected fields. You can create as many fields as you need but you can create each field type only once. It means if cardNumber field was created you can't create more cardNumber fields, but you can create payerEmail and other (for details see Tokenization section).

For example let's create 3 most important fields

PayMe.create(key, { testMode: true })
    .then(function (instance) {
      var fields = instance.hostedFields();
      // Hosted fields creation
      var cardNumber = fields.create('cardNumber');
      var expiration = fields.create('cardExpiration');
      var cvc = fields.create('cvc');
    .catch(function(error) {


We propose to create field names within Payme.fields object

 // Instead of this
 var cardNumber = fields.create('cardNumber');
 // try to use this
 var cardNumber = fields.create(PayMe.fields.NUMBER);

Having created all of necessary fields, they must be mounted to the chosen page place. Fields will be shown on your page only after mounting

PayMe.create(key, { testMode: true })
    .then(function (instance) {
      var fields = instance.hostedFields();
      var cardNumber = fields.create('cardNumber');
      var expiration = fields.create('cardExpiration');
      var cvc = fields.create('cvc');
      // Mount credit card inside container with id="card-number-container"
    .catch(function(error) {


Field instance mount method accepts any valid query selector

// Select by id

// Select by class

// Select by attribute


We can be notified on result by promise, because field mounting is an asynchronous process

// Mount credit card inside container with id="card-number-container"
cardNumber.mount('#card-number-container').then(function() {
    // Field was mounted successfully
    // There is error handling code

Field Creation Options

.create(field, options) method accepts an optional second argument options which is helpful in case you want to customize the field created with it.

var cardNumberFieldOptions = {
    placeholder: 'Enter your Credit Card Number',
    messages: {
        required: 'The Credit Card Number is Required!',
        invalid: 'Bad Credit Card Number'
    styles: ... // see below
var cardNumber = fields.create('cardNumber', cardNumberFieldOptions);

The available properties for customization:

Property Description
placeholder Placeholder text for empty field
messages Validation messages object, can have required and invalid properties (see Field Event Object and Examples page)
styles CSS properties for "protected" fields (see Field Styling)

Field Styling

Because the "protected" fields are protected, you can use only limited CSS properties and selectors:

Whitelisted CSS properties:

  • color
  • font-size
  • text-align
  • letter-spacing
  • text-decoration
  • text-shadow
  • text-transform

Whitelisted CSS rules:

  • ::placeholder

Allowed properties and selectors are organized into three groups within field creation configuration options.

var cardNumberFieldOptions = {
	placeholder: 'Enter your Credit Card Number',

	// ...
	styles: {
	  base: {
		'color': '#000000',
		'::placeholder': {
			color: '#F2F2F2'
	  invalid: {
		'color': 'red'
	  valid: {
		'color': 'green'

Each group represents the state of the protected field like a CSS class. For example:

/* base styles would be applied as a default style */ .base {
	color: #000000;
	font-size: 16px;
	text-align: center;
	letter-spacing: .25em;
	text-decoration: underline;
	text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black, 0 0 1em red;
	text-transform: uppercase;
} ::placeholder {
	color: gray;

/* .invalid styles would be applied on top of the .base when field validation fails */ .base .invalid {
	color: red;

/* .valid styles would be applied on top of the .base when the field became valid */ .base .valid {
	color: green;


This information is related only to "protected" fields, which were created with Hosted Fields Integration manager via .create(...) and .mount(...) call.

In case you are going to use your own markup/widget/etc. for any additional fields (first name, last name, email, phone number, social ID) then you are free to use any CSS code to style them.

Hosted fields integration interaction

Right after field creation you can use field instance to listen basic set of events to interact with code on your page.

For example, let's listen keyup event on credit card field

PayMe.create(key, { testMode: true })
    .then(function (instance) {
      var fields = instance.hostedFields();
      var cardNumber = fields.create('cardNumber');
      cardNumber.on('keyup', function(event) {
      // Mount credit card inside container with id="card-number-container"
    .catch(function(error) {

and each time when keyup event occurs on cardNumber field you will be notified. Keep in mind, for security reasons event object was significantly simplified (see Field Event Object)

Field events

Using field events your can build you own logic. There is available limited set of events out of the box, those caused by security reasons

Event type Fields Description
change all works like standard change
blur all works like standard blur
focus all works like standard focus
keyup all works like standard keyup
keydown all works like standard keydown
keypress all works like standard keypress
validity-changed all emits when field validity state changed. Can be used for showing error messages
card-type-changed cardNumber emits when library detects vendor of entered Credit Card number

Field Event Object

Shape of change, blur, focus, keyup, keydown, keypress, validity-changed are the same among all the fields and can be either valid or not

// Valid field
    type: "focus",       
    event: "focus",      // event type
    field: "cardNumber", // field which emits this event 
    isValid: false       // field validity status
// Invalid field
    type: "focus",
    event: "focus",                     // event type
    field: "cardNumber",                // field which emits this event 

    isValid: false,                     // field validity status
    message: "Bad credit card number"   // validation error message

Shape of card-type-changed is little bit different and it can be used for displaying credit card brand icon

// Valid field
    type: "card-type-changed"
    event: "card-type-changed"
    field: "cardNumber"
    isValid: true,
    cardType: "visa"          // Card vendor 
// Invalid field
    type: "card-type-changed"
    event: "card-type-changed"
    field: "cardNumber"
    isValid: false
    message: "Bad credit card number",
    cardType: "visa"          // Card vendor 

here cardType property can be founded. All available types are listed below

cardType value Brand Mask
unknown Unknown brand
amex American Express: starts with 34/37 34♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦
diners Diners Club: starts with 300-305/309... 300♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦
jcb JCB: starts with 35/2131/1800 35♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦
visa VISA: starts with 4 4♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦
mastercard MasterCard: starts with 51-55/22-27 51♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦
discover Discover: starts with 6011/65/644-649 6011 ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦

So far so good, now you have form with some fields and you are ready to tokenize sensitive data to create actual sale


Is a process of storing sensitive data in the protected vault and providing safe data for you, to make actual payment

To kick off tokenization you must call tokenize(...) method on Ingeration Manager instance

PayMe.create(key, { testMode: true })
  .then(function (instance) {

    var fields = instance.hostedFields();
    // Data for tokenization
    var saleData = {

      payerFirstName: 'Foo',
      payerLastName: 'Bar',
      payerEmail: '[email protected]',
      payerPhone: '1231231',
      payerSocialId: '12345',
      payerZipCode: '123456',

      total: {
        label: 'Order #123123',
        amount: {
          currency: 'USD',
          value: '55.00',
    // Call for tokenization
      .then(function (tokenizationResult) {     
        // Successfull tokenization
        // Now you can send 'tokenizationResult' to
        // your server and call `generate-sale` on Core API
      .catch(function(tokenizationError) {
        // Failed tokenization
        // you can explore 'tokenizationError' object and show error message on your taste


If you want let your users input additional data (First name, Last name, Email, Phone number, Social ID) rather provide by yourself you can use native HTML inputs within your page (please check our examples page). This approach let you to use any presenting, styling, formatting logic. To help you with validation we were exposing validators to you

Additional fields validators

Particular validator can be obtained and used by this code

// ...

var firstNameValidator = PayMe.validators[PayMe.fields.NAME_FIRST];
var validation = firstNameValidator.test('John');

// ...


Additional fields validation result

If validation result is success then validation would be null in the other case:

  • {required: true} - if firstNameValidator.test(...) argument not defined
  • {invalid: true} - if firstNameValidator.test(...) argument has unallowable value


Values within additional fields must pass exposed validators. Without fulfilling this condition tokenization will fail!

tokenizationResult structure (successful tokenization)

  // Safe Credit Card data
  card: {                                         
    cardMask: "411111******1111",
    cardholderName: "Firstname Lastname",
    expiry: "1119"
  // Service data
  type: "tokenize-success",
  testMode: true,                              
  token: "BUYER154-0987247Y-MLJ10OI7-LXRDNDYP", // Payment token for generating payment
  // Payer data
  payerEmail: "[email protected]",
  payerName: "Firstname Lastname",
  payerPhone: "1231231",
  payerSocialId: "111123",
  // Payment data
  total: {
    label: "🚀 Rubber duck",
    amount: {
      currency: "USD",
      value: "55.00"

tokenizationError structure (tokenization failed)

  // Says that the form contains invalid values
  validationError: true
  // Here you can find error messages for particular field
  errors: {
    payerEmail: "Mandatory field",
    payerPhone: "Mandatory field"
  type: "tokenize-error",

also you can receive such shape (may be changed in the future)


  // This error means that tokenization has already
  // performed for this Intergation Instance
  error: "Bad session",
  message: "Session expired or deleted",
  statusCode: 400,
  type: "tokenize-error",

Tokenization and Mounted fields

As was mentioned above you can create as many different fields as you need but sometimes you have some user's data, supposed to be filled and you don't want bother your users requested filling their data again. You can do that, just provide it within Data for tokenization object.

For example if you already have email or First + Last Name and you want provide it directly, you can to it

PayMe.create(key, { testMode: true })
  .then(function (instance) {
    var fields = instance.hostedFields();
    // Create and Mount credit card field
      var cardNumber = fields.create('cardNumber');
    // Create and Mount credit card expiration field
    // Create and Mount CVV field
    // Create and Mount Social Id field
    // Create and Mount Phone number field
    // Provide all available data
    var saleData = {

      payerFirstName: 'Foo',            // First name field wasn't created, we must provide value
      payerLastName: 'Bar',             // Last name field wasn't created, we must provide value
      payerEmail: '[email protected]', // Email field wasn't created, we must provide value
      // payerPhone: '1231231',         // value isn't needed due created Phone number field
      // payerSocialId: '12345',        // value isn't needed due created Social Id field
      // payerZipCode: '123456',        // value isn't needed due created Zip Code field

      total: {
        label: 'Order #123123',
        amount: {
          currency: 'USD',
          value: '55.00',
    // Call for tokenization
      .then(function (tokenizationResult) {     
        // Successfull tokenization
        // Now you can send 'tokenizationResult' to
        // your server and call `generate-sale` on Core API
      .catch(function(tokenizationError) {
        // Failed tokenization
        // you can explore 'tokenizationError' object and show error message on your taste


Rule of thumb

If you didn't create field - provide corresponding value in tokenization payload, but with one exception. You can't provide values for Credit Card Number, Credit Card Expiration and CVV - corresponding fields must be created and mounted always

What should be done with tokenized data?

You as an embedder may decide by yourself but main idea is send tokenization data to backend and generate sale using Generate sale

Let's say you have such tokenization result and sent it to your backend

  card: {                                         
    cardMask: "411111******1111",
    cardholderName: "Firstname Lastname",
    expiry: "1119"
  type: "tokenize-success",
  testMode: true,                              
  token: "BUYER154-0987247Y-MLJ10OI7-LXRDNDYP",
  payerEmail: "[email protected]",
  payerName: "Firstname Lastname",
  payerPhone: "1231231",
  payerSocialId: "111123",
  total: {
    label: "🚀 Rubber duck",
    amount: {
      currency: "USD",
      value: "55.00"

On the backend side you can build sale payload

Generate Sale Attribute Tokenization Attribute
sale_price - must be converted to the integer
buyer_key tokenizationData.token

and send it to the https://****

Security notes:

Our service has a strict Content Security Policy (CSP) which in some cases might cause error messages to appear in the browser console. These errors do not cause any kind of malfunction or security risk to our service, and you can safely ignore them.

  • In most cases the errors are caused by third party extensions installed on the browser. Try turning off the extensions or browse in private mode.
  • The error messages might also be caused by potentially malicious JavaScripts or browser extensions which inject JavaScript to the content pages. Our service is protected against such threats.

Example of such errors can be seen in the picture below:


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