Json Encoding - Decoding, Bindings To Class( Json to Class Instance), Decoding to Class, Library that can be used with Php(JsonHandleFreedom)
JsonHandleFreedom.NodeJs library is created for Json Encode And Decode(Parse), Bind To class From NodeJs To Php and the opposite, for now by using my other repo JsonHandleFreedom.
This is the Person Class for the example:
let free = new WeakMap();
class Person {
constructor() {
free.set(this, 'iamprivate');
this.id = '1';
set name(name) {
this._name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
get name() {
return this._name;
//***Its Crusial For Mapper to create at your Class a setter function Like 'set_' and the name of the var***
set_free(ji) {
free.set(this, ji);
get free() {
return free.get(this);
sayHello() {
console.log('Hello, my name is ' + this.name + ', I have ID: ' + this.id);
set FrStatic(iif) {
this._FrStatic = iif;
get FrStatic() {
return this._FrStatic;
module.exports = Person;
This is the Example use File:
const Person = require('./Main');
const JsonMain = require('./JsonHandle/src/JsonHandleFreeInc');
encoder = JsonMain.JsonEncoderFree();
decoder = JsonMain.JsonDecoderFree();
var personOne = new Person();
personOne.name = 'js';
personOne.someNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var personTwo = new Person();
personTwo.name = 'go';
personTwo.jd = [1, 2, 3];
personTwo.FrStatic = JSON.stringify(personOne);
personTwo.varia = [
JSON.stringify({ jsM: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] })
personTwo.FrPrivate = { free: 'go', kAMain: 1 };
//The Encoded Json is Encrypted With PassKey 'password':
var json = encoder.encodeJsonFree(personTwo, false, 'password');
//The Decoded Json is Decrypted With PassKey 'password':
var objectNew = decoder.decodeJsonFree(json, false, 'password', require('./Main'), true);
The Encoded Json is Encrypted With PassKey 'password':
The Decoded Json is Decrypted With PassKey 'password' and Binned to Person Class:
Person {
id: 1,
_name: 'Go',
jd: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
_FrStatic: [ { id: 1, name: 'Js', someNumbers: [Object] } ],
varia: [ { jsM: [Object] } ],
FrPrivate: [ { kAMain: 1 } ] }
This is the Person Class for the example:
let free = new WeakMap();
class Person {
constructor() {
free.set(this, 'iamprivate');
this.id = '1';
set name(name) {
this._name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
get name() {
return this._name;
//***Its Crusial For Mapper to create at your Class a setter function Like 'set_' and the name of the var***
set_free(ji) {
free.set(this, ji);
get free() {
return free.get(this);
sayHello() {
console.log('Hello, my name is ' + this.name + ', I have ID: ' + this.id);
set FrStatic(iif) {
this._FrStatic = iif;
get FrStatic() {
return this._FrStatic;
module.exports = Person;
This is the Example use File:
const Person = require('./Main');
const JsonMain = require('./JsonHandle/src/JsonHandleFreeInc');
encoder = JsonMain.JsonEncoderFree();
decoder = JsonMain.JsonDecoderFree();
var personOne = new Person();
personOne.name = 'js';
personOne.someNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var personTwo = new Object;
personTwo.name = 'go';
personTwo.jd = [1, 2, 3];
personTwo.FrStatic = JSON.stringify(personOne);
personTwo.varia = [
JSON.stringify({ jsM: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] })
personTwo.FrPrivate = { free: 'go', kAMain: 1 };
//personTwo is Object
//the encrypted json string
var json = encoder.encodeJsonFree(personTwo, false, 'password');
var objectNew = decoder.decodeJsonFree(json, false, 'password', require('./Main'), true);
//the binned object
The personTwo is Object
{ name: 'go',
jd: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
FrStatic: '{"id":"1","_name":"Js","someNumbers":[1,2,3,4]}',
varia: [ '{"jsM":[1,2,3,4,5,6]}' ],
FrPrivate: { free: 'go', kAMain: 1 } }
The Encoded Json is Encrypted With PassKey 'password':
The Decoded Json is Decrypted With PassKey 'password' and Binned to Person Class:
Person {
id: '1',
_name: 'Go',
jd: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
_FrStatic: [ { id: 1, name: 'Js', someNumbers: [Object] } ],
varia: [ { jsM: [Object] } ],
FrPrivate: [ { kAMain: 1 } ] }
Example Json Encode Without Bind:
var objectNew = decoder.decodeJsonFree(json, 'object', 'password', false, false);
The objectNew Will Be:
{ name: 'go',
jd: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
FrStatic: [ { id: 1, name: 'Js', someNumbers: [Object] } ],
varia: [ { jsM: [Object] } ],
FrPrivate: [ { free: 'go', kAMain: 1 } ] }