👋 Hi, I’m Paola, this is my working github profile, but I've started coding in 2018 since then I never stopped.
In October of that year, I joined codebar London pair programming workshops, where I had the opportunity to share my knowledge and discuss with other professionals and student. Now I am volunteering both as coach and organiser.
👀 I’m interested in a lot of things mainly realted to cultures, foreign languages and meeting new people. In love with visual arts; I like to express my creative personality through painting and cooking.
🌱In the last 2 year and half I learned C# and .net, but also GCP Appengine, BDD, and testing. 🌱I am currenlty interested in enlarge my coding skills in exploring other cloud platforms.
💞️ In a future I would like to collaborate on youth projects to create opportunities for those who endured hard childhood. 📫 How to reach me Linkedin Profile