Midterm/Final project for DTC338 (Engines).
- Work through maze
- Groups of enemies to fight off
- Sneak through to not alert enemies
- Projectile and melee weapons
- Boss in middle (end) of maze
- Get to center of maze
- Defeat boss
- Player
- [==== ] Multiple weapons
- [= ] Health
- [== ] Weapon reloading
- [== ] Weapon switching
- Stealth
- [== ] Audio cues alert enemies
- [=== ] Field of view detection
- Weapons
- [== ] Melee
- [= ] Projectiles
- [== ] Special weapons
- Enemies
- [=====] Enemy pathfinding
- [== ] Enemy spawning
- [==== ] Dynamic enemy spawning
- Bosses
- [=== ] Unique attacks
- Art
- [==== ] Weapon animations
- [=====] Player animations
- [== ] UI design
- UI
- [= ] Health
- World
- Navmesh
- Sphere collider for aggro trigger
- Stop following after a time being out of sphere
- FoV/raytrace would work better, but harder to implement
- Arc trace hit detection
- Hitscan/raytrace