- Reported number of cores used by payload now calculated as (stime+utime)/walltime
- Requested by R. Walker
- Keeping the payload working directory for maxRSS errors
- Requested by R. Walker
- Added a proxy renewal mechanism
- When only 20 minutes, or less, remains of the proxy lifetime, the Pilot will attempt to download a new proxy from the server
- Requested by R. Walker
- Using LAN domain for stage-out file existence verification by Rucio
- Previously, WAN domain was used by default which could lead to problems
- Updated code for extracting the condor job id
- Attempting to bypass EPoll problem that e.g. leaves an error message seemingly in the class ad, which ends up in the batch id (it sneaks in via (at least) the usage of subprocess.get*output() functions)
- The origin of the problem was an XrootD issue described here and resolved here - in the meantime, while waiting for the new XrootD release, A. De Silva has reverted to a previous version
- Real-time logging
- Pilot now finds the proper log file for user jobs (tmp.stdout*) for the tails
- Removed davs protocol from list of allowed protocols for direct access
- Due to problems with different root versions on different sites
- Requested by R. Walker
- Changed internal lost heartbeat period from 6 to 3 h to match the server definition
- This is used to decide when it’s safe to kill all processes after the last successful server update
- Added protection against corrupted memory monitor info that could bring down the pilot
- Failure seen at SiGNET leading to strange aCT error info (pilot, 9000: E;r;r;o;r; ;r;e;a;d;i;n;g; ;u;s;e;r; ;g;e;n;e;r;a;t;e;d; ;o;u;t;p;u;t; ;f;i;l;e; ;l;i;s;t)
- Reported by G. Callea et al
- Bug fixes
- Fixed problem with reported expired proxy (pilot detected it but did not report it)
- Reported by R. Walker
- Pilot tried to contact server for getting the randomized server URL even though server updates were switched off
- Reported by M. Saito
- Fixed problem with parsing bad output from arcproxy, leading to an exception
- Reported by A. Filipcic
- Fix for a problem with lingering INDS env var from previous job
- Details here
- Reported by R. Walker
- Fixed problem with reported expired proxy (pilot detected it but did not report it)
Code contributions from P. Vokac, A. Anisenkov, P. Nilsson