- Real-time logging
- Added new HTTP transport class that supports user certificates, accepted by the logstash server (for possible future use)
- Using password from job definition (hidden from view) to communicate with logstash
- Real-time logging is available for user jobs with the –debugMode prun option
- Also enabled for production tasks via script setDebugMode
- Moved log tarball away from work directory, as it overwrote logs with the same name in the case of merge jobs
- Requested by R. Walker
- Pilot can now extract special Frontier errors from job report
- Requested by M. Vogel
- Discussed in JIRA ticket: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASJT-425
- Added new pilot error code 1369: Frontier error (pilot adds extracted error message or last normal line to error diagnostics)
- Again using old rucio option –rse if rucio version is too old (otherwise –rses for newer version)
- Used for objectstore transfers in event service mode
- Stager workflow added
- Minimal set of threads activated
- Pilot stages in data then quits
- For pod usage only
- Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with the pandaserver url parsing in job.py
- Whenever you specify both the http protocol in --url and a port as CLI arguments ( ./pilot.py --url http://pandaserverurl -p 25080 ...) then the port gets ignored and updateJob requests are sent to http://pandaserverurl. The reason was that the prefix http:// is not removed and the conditional at Line 458 finds : and ignores the port
- Note that this was only affecting updateJob requests, getJob, UpdateEventRanges and other requests were using the correct URL
- When using --use-https=False there is an exception occurring in get_curl_command as it is still called and is using the _ctxobject however https_setup() was never called to initialize the module.
- Fixed problem with not reporting remote file open failures in traces
- Reported by R. Walker
- Fixed an issue with the pandaserver url parsing in job.py
Code contributions from A. Alekseev, J. Esseiva, P. Nilsson