Releases: PSU-CSAR/vb-bagis-p
Releases · PSU-CSAR/vb-bagis-p
This release of BAGIS-P has been tested to work on ArcMap 10.5.1 and ArcMap 10.7.1. Note that the parameter models are not proven to work on 10.7.1.
- Updated PE and SR tool so that processing can continue, at the analyst's discretion, if a datum mismatch is detected. Previously this was a hard stop.
- issue #52: Updates to parameter export for ngw and nssr (20-NOV-2020)
- issue #53: Create separate subaoi for undefined area; Rename subbasin id parameter in all files to hru_subbasin. Fix bug with appending hru_subbasin value to parameters file (22-SEP-2021)
- issue #54: Fix bugs where subaoi tool fails in ArcMap 10.7.1 or later. This was due to using a vector file as the snap raster. (22-SEP-2021)
- issue #32: Check for existence of key in dictionary before adding profile and method items; This should auto-correct "corrupted" xml files in the profile and methods folders
- issue #33: Check to see if grid_zones_v and grid_v have the same number of hrus before calculating parameters; If the hru dataset was changed in BAGIS-H, this wasn't reflected in BAGIS-P because we carried over grid_zones_v
- issue #34: Sort nhru spatial parameters alphabetically by name
- issue #36: Added error message to Profile Builder if it cannot locate method and profile folders
- issue #37: Verification process error when users (repeatedly) click-on the methods grid
- Address issue #21: PE calculation fails if the AOI area is too small relative to the PE cell size. If the AOI area is < 200% of the cell area, the tool will return the value for the cell at the centroid of the AOI
- Address issue #24: Add custom sort to parameter viewer so that columns sort as numbers rather than as strings
- Address issue #28: Dynamically select clip file for data manager dependent on difference between aoi filled dem and clip file cell sizes.
- Implement issue #21: PE and SR Obs tool
- Implement issue #26: Parameters from layers tool
- Work on PSU-CSAR/vb-bagis-h#21: Implement dpi autoscale mode on Profile Builder and Method Editor; Add scrollbar to HRU lists on Parameter Viewer, Export Parameters, and Parameter from Layers forms
- Fix issue #19: Update framework to pass warning messages beginning with "BAGIS Message:" to display in a MessageBox and in the parameter calculation summary
- Fix issue #20: Display an error and stop the export if the number of records in the resampled HRU layer is different from the number of HRU's
- Fix issue #24: Allow column sorting on Edit HRU Parameter table
- Fix issue #25: Replace Bing maps as imagery layer; Improve error handling if imagery layer is unavailable
- Fix PSU-CSAR/vb-bagis-h#8: BAGIS-P tries to define the unit of the PRISM precipitation layers when they don't exist