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PETL - PIH ETL Framework

PETL is a lightweight Spring-boot application that enables execution of a configured set of ETL jobs. The initial objectives of PETL have been to satisfy the following objectives:

  • Provide a simple tool that can execution ETL transformations that are defined in external configuration files
  • Provide an easy to understand and author syntax for authoring ETL jobs
  • Enable support for Pentaho/Kettle, and do so without requiring the full PDI installation
  • Enable support for extracting source data out of one database and into a new schema in another database, specifically supporting MySQL -> Sql Server


Install Java

The PETL application is delivered as an executable JAR file. This means that PETL requires only the Java Runtime installed in order to run it. The recommended Java version is OpenJDK 8 JDK.

Install PETL

Typically this process would be automated using Puppet, Ansible, or a similar tool. The Puppet module for this for the PIH EMR can be found here:

The recommended steps for installing PETL are the following:

  • Create a dedicated "petl" user and group, and a home directory at /home/petl with the following structure:
-- home
   |-- petl
       |-- bin
       |-- data
       |-- work

Install the PETL Binary

Add the PETL jar file into /home/petl/bin

  • The latest release of PETL can be downloaded from here:
  • You can also build the petl jar from source. See developer section below.
  • You should either rename this file to petl.jar or create a symbolic link to this file from petl.jar

Configure the PETL application

Add a PETL configuration file named application.yml into /home/petl/bin. This file will extend and override the default configuration values found in application.yml. This file supports the following configuration settings:

  • Logging Levels: Allows you to configure the logging level for the application
    root: "WARN"
    org.pih: "INFO"
  • Job Execution Persistence: Allows you to configure where job execution history information is persisted and how Spring, Hibernate, and the Quartz scheduler are configured.

PETL creates an internal database table called petl_job_execution which contains a history of all of all jobs that have been executed, along with nested job executions, the status of these executions, and the timing and duration of each.
This table is used internally by the scheduler to determine whether a given job should be automatically run based on a configured cron.
It can also be useful for PETL administrators to monitor job execution status and errors.

By default, PETL will maintain a persistent, file-based H2 database at ${petl.homeDir}/data/ to manage this. This enables PETL to be installed and used without any external database dependencies. The out-of-the-box configuration is such:

    platform: "h2"
    driver-class-name: "org.h2.Driver"
    url: "jdbc:h2:file:${petl.homeDir}/data/petl;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE"
    username: "sa"
    password: "Test123"
    data: "classpath:schema-h2.sql"
      ddl-auto: "none"
    database-change-log-table: "petl_database_change_log"
    database-change-log-lock-table: "petl_database_change_log_lock"
    job-store-type: "memory"

In cases where implementations prefer to store the petl_job_execution table in another database, for greater visibility of execution history and status, that can be configured by overriding the above properties in application.yml.

For example, to use a separate SQL Server database, one could add the following to their application.yml:

    platform: "mssql"
    driver-class-name: ""
    url: "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=openmrs_reporting"
    username: "sa"
    password: "9%4qP7b2H!%J"
      dialect: "org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2012Dialect"
  • PETL Job and Datasource Locations: This allows specification of where job and datasource configuration files are located for all of the ETL jobs. By default, these are located in /home/petl/config/datasources and /home/petl/config/jobs but these can be overridden as needed here:
  homeDir: "/home/petl"
  datasourceDir: "${petl.homeDir}/config/datasources"
  jobDir: "${petl.homeDir}/config/jobs"
  • PETL Startup Jobs: Jobs can be configured to run at startup in a deterministic order prior to any other scheduled jobs.
      - "job1.yml"
  • PETL Startup Exit Automatically: PETL can be configured to startup, execute start jobs, and then exit. To do so, you configure this per below. When executed in this way, successful execution will yield an exit code of 0, whereas an execution that results in errors will yield an exit code of 1.
      - "job1.yml"
    exitAutomatically: true
  • Other server configuration:
  port: 8080
  • Any other arbitrary configuration values that you wish to refer to within your Job and Datasource files As evidenced above, you can have a config value like petl.homeDir and then use that config value within other config values. For example, PIH typically adds variables here containing database connection information that can then be referenced by other configuration files.
    See Puppet installation code here.

Install the PETL service

The recommended way to run PETL is as a service that is always running.

Spring Boot facilitates setting this up by enabling the petl.jar file to be linked directly as a service in /etc/init.d. See:

In order to configure this appropriately, one should also install a file named petl.conf into /home/petl/bin. This configuration file should contain environment variables that affect the petl service execution. For example:

JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx2048m -Xms1024m


Overview of Data Sources

PETL is designed such that jobs can connect to data sources to use to extract and load data. In order to allow configuring and referencing this datasources, PETL supports yaml-based configuration files.

As described in the installation section, PETL is configured such that all data source configuration files are found in the directory defined by ${petl.datasourceDir}, which defaults to /home/petl/config/datasources

Within this directory, one datasource is defined by one yml file with the following structure:

databaseType: "mysql"
host: "localhost"
port: "3308"
databaseName: "openmrs"
user: "openmrs"
password: "openmrs"
options: "autoReconnect=true&sessionVariables=default_storage_engine%3DInnoDB&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=US/Eastern"

Typically, once the initial setup for a given ETL server is done, the datasources involved rarely change. Jobs may evolve, but the datasources they connect to are more static.

For the PIH EMR, datasources are typically setup to refer to configuration variables that are set by puppet into application.yml. See:

Overview of Jobs

PETL is designed to execute ETL jobs on a scheduled basis. It is designed to be flexible, to support different ETL job types, to support a fully configurable job directory hierarchy and organization, and to allow each job to define the scheduled frequency that it should execute.

When PETL is running, the service will constantly search for any jobs that are configured within the job directory. This directory, as described in the installation section, is configured in the application.yml file, and defaults to /home/petl/config/jobs

Any YAML file that is present in the jobs directory or subdirectory that contains the appropriate job file structure will be interpreted as a job file and PETL will parse it to determine whether it should execute. This allows implementations to maintain their job files in whatever organizational hierarchy makes sense and to name these files however they want. The structure of a job.yml file looks like the following:

type: 'job-type'            # valid types are sqlserver-bulk-import, pentaho-job, job-pipeline
description: 'My job'       # Each job can optionally be given a description.  If provided, this description will be output in logs and in the petl_job_execution table
configuration:              # Each job type supports different properties within configuration
path: "some-template.yml"   # As an alternative to specifying type and configuration, one can refer to another job definition by path
    cron: "0 0 5 ? * *"     # Cron-like expression that determines the execution frequency (see below)
parameters:                 # Each job can be configured with a set of parameters to assist with templating (more below)

Each job.yml file indicates:

  • What type of job it is. This determines how it is configured and executed.
  • How often should it run. This uses a cron-like expression.
    Note that the cron format includes a "seconds" component, so to run at 6:30 AM would be "0 30 6 ? * *", not "30 6 * ? * *"
  • How it is configured. Each type of job will have a different set of supported configuration settings.

Job Templates and Variables

Job definitions can get complex, particularly if setting up pipelines and iterations that need to perform multiple coordinated steps, set up partitioning schemes, etc. To aid with this, all jobs support templating. Within a particular jobs yaml definition file, or within any files that a job may load in and use (eg. associated job or sql files), variables can be used. These can refer to any variable from the following sources (in order of lowest-to-highest precedence):

a) any environment variable b) any variable defined in application.yml c) any variable defined in the "parameters" property of a job d) any variable defined in a specific job configuration (i.e. in the iterations property of the iterating-job)

This allows for job definitions to be created and then re-used. For example, I could have a job file that is a reusable job template like follows:


type: "sqlserver-bulk-import"
description: "Import ${tableName} from ${siteName}"
    datasource: "openmrs-${siteName}.yml"
    query:  "sql/extractions/${tableName}.sql"
    datasource: "warehouse.yml"
    table: "${tableName}"
    schema: "sql/schemas/${tableName}.sql"
      - name: "site"
        type: "VARCHAR(100)"
        value: "'${siteName}'"

I could then have jobs that execute this, either on their own or within a job-pipeline or iterating-job. For example:


path: "import-to-sqlserver.yml"
  siteName: "hinche"
  tableName: "patient"

Supported Job Types

Currently PETL supports the following types of jobs:


This type of job supports a single extraction query from MySQL which streams into a newly dropped and created SqlServer table.

One of the primary initial use cases of PETL was to facilitate extracting data from an OpenMRS MySQL database and loading it into a SqlServer database, either on-prem or in the cloud, to enable DirectQuery to use it as a data source. Below is a superset of the available configuration properties, along with a sample value and a descriptive comment:

type: "sqlserver-bulk-import"
    datasource: "mysql/openmrs.yml"   # This is the datasource that we query to retrieve the data to load
    conditional: "select if(count(*)>0,true,false) from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'hivmigration_data_warnings'"  # An optional sql statement, executed against the extract datasource. If this returns false, the job is not executed.
    context: "extract/context.sql"    # This is an additional set of sql statements added to the source execution.  Often used to set things like locale.
    query:  "covid19/admission/extract.sql"  # This is the actual extract statement

    datasource: "sqlserver/openmrs_extractions.yml"  # This is the datasource that we load the extracted data into
    table: "covid_admission"  # This is the table that is created to load the data into.  It is dropped and recreated each execution unless the "dropAndRecreateTable" is set to false
    schema: "covid19/admission/schema.sql"  # This is the create table statement that is executed to create the target table.  This is optional.  If null, it is assumed the table exists.
      - name: "column_1"        # This would add, to the extract query, and additional select column named 'column_1'
        type: "VARCHAR(100)"    # with a datatype of VARCHAR(100)
        value: "'static text'"  # with 'static text' as the value for all rows
      scheme: "psSite"  # If specified, this will associate this partition scheme for this table when created
      column: "partition_num"  # If specified, this will use this column for the partition scheme, when created
      value: "3"  # If specified, this will use this column value for the partition, when created
      incremental: # If specified, the incremental configuration enables configuring the job to incrementally update
        enabled: "true" # If true, incremental loading will be enabled
        newWatermarkQuery: "sql/incremental/new-watermark-query.sql" # Required query against the load datasource to determine the new watermark
        previousWatermarkQuery: "sql/incremental/previous-watermark-query.sql" # Required query against the load datasource to determine the previous watermark
        updateWatermarkStatement: "sql/incremental/update-watermark-statement.sql" # Required statement against the load datasource that is responsible for storing watermark values after a successful execution
        deleteStatement: "sql/incremental/delete-statement.sql" # Required query against the load datasource that to delete rows that have been changed between previous and new watermarks
    dropAndRecreateTable: "false"  # Optional, default is true, which will drop and recreate the target table (if it exists) each time this is run
      batchSize: 100 # Optional, default is 100.  You can increase or decrease the number of records in each batch with this
      timeout: 7200 # Optional, default is 7200 (2 hours).  You can increase or decrease the timeout of the operation with this


  • The "extraction" YAML file (in the above example, ${petl.jobDir}/covid19/admission/extract.sql) may perform multiple queries, create temporary tables, etc, but the final statement should be a select that extracts the data out of MySQL.

  • The "load" YAML file (in the above example, target.yml) generally is a single create table command used to create the table to load the data into. Therefore, it should match the schema of the select at the end of the extract sql.

  • The "load.schema" attribute is optional. If not specified, then no target table creation or deleting is done by the job.

A note about incremental loading

In a Bulk Load job, one can make things "incremental" by taking the following steps:

The previousWatermarkQuery retrieves the low watermark for any updates. This query should return the datetime for which any records last changed on or before this datetime are determined to be up-to-date and don't need to be reloaded. This is evaluated to a previousWatermark datetime. This will typically read from the store into which the updateWatermarkStatement sets the watermark values for each execution (see below).

The newWatermarkQuery retrieves the high watermark for any updates. Any records who have last changed after this datetime are considered too new and not processed as part of this incremental loading job. This is to ensure consistency between records being queried on the source system and target system. This is evaluated to a newWatermark datetime.

The updateWatermarkStatement is responsible for storing the previousWatermark and newWatermark values for a given execution, once the import has successfully completed.

The incrementalDeleteStatement represents the statement that should be run to delete any records that are considered changed during the execution window (between the previousWatermark and newWatermark).

The load.schema sql statement for loading needs to be modified to contain a columns that identify which rows need to be deleted and re-inserted. For example, if changes tracked at a patient level, this would typically mean that a column for patient_id would need to be included so that the incrementalDeleteStatement is able to determine what rows in the target need to be deleted and re-inserted in each incremental execution.

The extract.query sql query for querying MySQL needs to be modified to return all rows if previousWatermark is null, or to return only a subset of rows if previousWatermark is not null. This needs to be consistent with the definition of the incrementalDeleteStatement, to ensure that any rows that are deleted are re-inserted if they are still valid.

The principle is this, if incremental.enabled = true

  • A new partition is created as normal
  • The previous watermark values are retrieved
  • The partition is preloaded with all data that matches the partition value already present in SQL Server
  • The incrementalDeleteQuery is used to remove any rows that have been changed in the watermark window
  • The bulk load operation happens as normal, but only inserting the subset of rows that have changed in the watermark window
  • The new watermark values are stored

This means that over time, any data that was previously loaded that is subsequently deleted or voided in the source system will be deleted out of the target warehouse table, since it will be deleted and not re-inserted. And it means that we don't need any complexity of updates vs. inserts of existing data since updates are just treated as deletes + inserts.

Configuration of incremental loading is tricky and likely will require significant testing to ensure it is working correctly and not losing any data. One can change the logging level in application.yml for org.pih.petl.job.SqlServerImportJob to either DEBUG or TRACE for more detailed logging to help with troubleshooting.


This type of job executes a Pentaho Kettle Job (.kjb) file. The minimum required configuration property is the path to this file.

One can optionally specify the logging level that Pentaho Kettle should use. Values that are supported (from most verbose to least verbose, include): ROWLEVEL, DEBUG, DETAILED, BASIC, MINIMAL, ERROR. The default is "MINIMAL" if not explicitly configured.

Some jobs in Pentaho require specific plugins to be activated in order to use those features. To enable one or more plugins, you can specify this configuration under configuration.job.plugins. See example below. This is optional. If you find that a job succeeds when executed in Spoon, but fails when run via PETL, and the log file has a message indicating that a plugin is missing ( something like "Can't run transformation due to plugin missing" ), you can attempt to identify the correct plugin by opening that transformation in Spoon, and then viewing the Spoon logs, which shoul indicate the name of the class for the transformation that was just loaded.

Beyond these built-in configuration options, users can configure any other arbitrary values within the configuration section, and these will be made available to all jobs and transforms to refer to a variables. All nested objects within the yaml configuration will be flattened with dot syntax. For example the Job File Path above would be available to refer to as a variable named "job.filePath"

For example, jobs within the pih-pentaho project will expect the following configuration settings:

  • pih.pentahoHome: Defines the location where the pih-pentaho source is available
  • Defines the country to run the job for, which is used within various kjb and ktr
  • source and target datasource information

This job currently runs Kettle To develop jobs and transforms within this version, you can download:

An example configuration to run a Pentaho job with BASIC level of logging at 5am every morning, that has a transformation that uses the "Sequence" step within a transformation:

type: "pentaho-job"
    filePath: "pentaho/src/jobs/refresh-warehouse.kjb"
    logLevel: "BASIC"
      - "org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.addsequence.AddSequenceMeta"
    pentahoHome: "${petl.jobDir}/pentaho/src"
    country: "haiti"
        host: "localhost"
        port: "3306"
        name: "openmrs"
        user: "root"
        password: "rootpw"
        host: "localhost"
        port: "3306"
        name: "openmrs_warehouse"
        user: "root"
        password: "rootpw"
        key_prefix: "10"


A pipeline job allows combining multiple jobs together into a single job. This will run each defined job in the order in which it is defined, in series, and will halt execution upon error, only executing subsequent jobs if those defined before it in the list execute successfully.

One can also control how errors are handled if encountered by nested jobs. This is done via the errorHandling configuration element as follows:

  maxAttempts: 10
  retryInterval: 5

Jobs can either be specified inline or by referencing a separate job.yml file as shown below.

Example configuration:

type: "job-pipeline"
    - path: "load-upper-neno.yml"
    - type: "job-pipeline"
          - "load-lower-neno.yml"
    cron: "0 0 5 ? * *"  


An iterating job allows a single job template to be executed for multiple iterations, in which each iteration can specify different variables that can configure the job template. Any aspect of the yaml configuration, or any nested configuration files can refer to a variable as ${variableName}, and this will be replaced by the specified value for each iteration.

Unlike the job-pipeline job, an iterating-job will attempt to execute each job iteration, regardless of whether other iterations have failed. By default, only one job is executed at at time, but this can be modified to allow more than one iteration to execute in parallel by adding a maxConcurrentJobs configuration property to a value greater than 1.

maxConcurrentJobs: 5

One can also control how errors are handled if encountered by nested jobs. This is done via the errorHandling configuration element as follows:

  maxAttempts: 10
  retryInterval: 5

Also like the job-pipeline, jobs can either be specified inline or by referencing a separate job.yml file.

For an example configuration, please see the partitioning example here


A SQL Execution job is a job that simply allows for one or more scripts to be executed against the configured datasource. This is useful particularly to control exactly how and when target tables and other database objects (functions, procedures, partition schemes, etc) are created. Please see below for a summary of all available configuration options:

Example configuration:

    - type: "sql-execution"
        datasource: "openmrs_reporting_sqlserver.yml"  # This is the datasource that the SQL should be executed against
          locale: "en"     # Any key/value pairs defined here can be used as string replacement variables in any of the scripts below, by referring to them like ${locale}
        delimiter: "#"     # If specified, this will split each of the listed scripts up into multiple statements using the given delimiter, and execute each statement sequentially
          - "encounters_schema.sql"  # The first script to execute
          - "encounters_recreate_schema_if_needed.sql"  # The second script to execute.  Any number of scripts can be listed


A create-table job simply facilitates creating a table in a given datasource. It is particularly useful as a means to create one table based on the schema from another table. See below for available options:

Example configuration:

    - type: "create-table"
        source:  # Indicates the source of the schema.  This can either be an existing table (datasource+tableName) or create table statement (sqlFile)
          datasource: "openmrs.yml"  # This is the datasource that should be analyzed to get the schema to create
          tableName: "encounters"  # This is the table that should be analyzed to get the schema to create
          sqlFile: "myschema.sql"  # You can specify a sql file with a create table statement as an alternative to the datasource and tableName
          datasource: "reporting.yml"  # This is the datasource in which the target table should be created
          tableName: "my_encounters"   # This is the table into which the schema will be created
          actionIfExists: "drop"  # Optional.  Values you can specify are "drop" and "dropIfChanged".  Default is to leave the table unchanged if it already exists.

Monitoring Jobs and REST API

A basic REST API exists that enables one to view job executions and to re-execute failed executions. The designed use cases are as follows: Note that this REST API exists at the port configured as the server.port in application.yml.

GET /execution

This returns an array of job executions that have been executed at the top level (i.e. not nested within other executions).

GET /execution/{uuid}

This returns the job execution object with the given uuid, including it's configuration and status.

GET /execution/{uuid}/children

This returns an array of job executions that have the job execution with the given uuid as a parent. The idea is that you'd first identify top-level executions, and then use this end-point to drill down into further nested "child" executions.

POST /execution/{uuid}

Posting to a particular existing job execution endpoint will re-execute this job (and any nested child jobs) that have a status other than SUCCEEDED. The purpose of this is to enable re-executing a failed job or all of the failed jobs that are nested in a top-level job without needing to re-execute every job from scratch.

GET /status/datasource/{datasource-name}

Getting to this endpoint allows you to check the status of whether PETL can successfully connect to the given datasource. This {datasource-name} is expected to be a filename within the ${petl.datasourceDir} less the .yml extension. So, assuming your PETL configuration had a${server.port} of 9109 and a ${petl.datasourceDir} of ${petl.homeDir}/configuration/datasources/openmrs-db.yml, this would be queried with: curl -X POST http://localhost:9109/status/datasource/openmrs-db


Scenario: A long-running job has failed to execute because a particular sql statement at the end of the pipeline had a typo. You push a change to this SQL script, and want to re-execute this, but don't want to start from scratch and re-execute the entire pipeline, which takes hours and was 95% completed. You just want to re-execute the one failed job, and then if this succeeds, you want the entire job to be marked as successful.

  • Using your SQL client to inspect the job execution table, find the failed job. Now, if you just re-execute this particular job, none of the parent jobs will be made aware that it has re-run, and all will still show as FAILED. So, you need to walk back to this job's parent job (by inspecting the parent_execution_uuid column, and then finding that job execution), and continue doing this until you come to the top-level job (the one with no parent_execution_uuid). This is typically also the job that has a non-empty "job_path" column, which you should be able to identify as the overall job you are trying to run. Make note of this top-level job's uuid.

  • Open a bash shell on the machine running PETL (could also use a remote terminal if PETL is available via http remotely), and confirm that you can use the REST API to retrieve the job identified above. Assuming PETL is running it's REST API on port 9109 (check the application.yml file if in doubt), and you are accessing it locally on localhost, execute: curl http://localhost:9109/execution/the-job-execution-uuid-identified-above. You should get a json response with the details of the job in question.

  • To tell PETL to re-execute this job, simply change the above command from a GET request to a POST request like follows: curl -X POST http://localhost:9109/execution/the-job-execution-uuid-identified-above

  • You can re-run the original GET command above to confirm that the job's status has changed to IN_PROGRESS, or you can refresh your view of the job_execution table in your database browser to see the status changes for this and each nested job execution that has not already been marked as SUCCEEDED.

Developer Reference


The PETL project can be built and tested using the standard Maven commands (mvn clean test, mvn clean install).

Note that when running tests, PETL uses the testcontainers package (see to fire up dockerized containers of MySQL and SQL Server. This happens via including the testcontainers Maven package in the pom and by then using the "tc" prefix when setting up the connection information in the datasource profiles. (See

Developing and testing MySQL to SQL Server jobs


  • openmrs-config-pihemr checked out (this is where the existing jobs live)
  • Local MySQL instance with an OpenMRS DB

Set up a SQL Server instance

Set up a local SQL Server instance using Docker:

Note your password must be be at least 8 characters long and contain characters from three of the following four sets: uppercase letters, Lowercase letters, Base 10 digits, and Symbols, or the docker container will fail silently.

You can run docker logs [docker_id] to debug

Also note that the "root" user is named "sa", so you should set the username to "sa" when attempting to connect.

Once the container is started, get a SQL shell in it and run create database <your_db_name>

Create an application.yml file

The application.yml file tells PETL

  • The directory to use as a working directory (homeDir)
  • The location of the datasource and job configurations (in the example below, they point to the appropriate directories in my local openmrs-config-pihemr)
  • The connection credentials for the local MySQL and SQL Server databases

As an example:

  homeDir: "/home/mgoodrich/petl"
  datasourceDir: "/home/mgoodrich/openmrs/modules/config-pihemr/configuration/pih/petl/datasources"
  jobDir: "/home/mgoodrich/openmrs/modules/config-pihemr/configuration/pih/petl/jobs"

  host: "localhost"
  port: "3306"
  databaseName: "openmrs_mirebalais"
  user: "root"
  password: "***"
  options: "autoReconnect=true&sessionVariables=default_storage_engine%3DInnoDB&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=US/Eastern"

  host: "localhost"
  port: "1433"
  databaseName: "openmrs_test"
  user: "sa"
  password: "******"

  port: 9109

From the directory where you've created your application.yml file, run PETL via the following command. (Note that the path to petl-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.jar should be relative to the current directory you are in).

 java -jar target/petl-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.jar


On each build, our Bamboo CI server deploys the Maven artifact to our Maven repo on Sonatype:;quick~petl

So doing a release should be as simple as:

  • Changing the pom.xml to remove the snapshot from the version number (ie, to do the "2.1.0" release, change the version in the pom from "2.1.0-SNAPSHOT" to "2.1.0")

  • Commit the change and let the Bamboo job run. Afterwards the new release (ie petl-2.1.0.jar) should appear in Sonatype:;quick~petl

  • Once this is confirmed, change the version number to the next snapshot (ie change "2.1.0" to "2.2.0-SNAPSHOT") so that subsequent commits won't overwrite the "2.1.0" jar

  • Update the "petl_version" variable in Puppet to deploy the version of Petl you want to release on each server

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