- getWinner fonctionnel + test #37 (NunezTania)
- doOneFold ok et testé #37 (NunezTania)
- getWinner ok et testé (tests en plus à faire) #37 (NunezTania)
- correction de l'ordre des cartes avec atout #37 (NunezTania)
- correction de l'ordre des cartes avec atout v2 #37 (NunezTania)
- Initial multi-pages setup working #38 (Hugo Huart)
- Initial implementation #42 (Hugo Huart)
- début de connexion back-front #47 (NunezTania)
- Vector -> ArrayList #52 (NunezTania)
- ajout de début d'instruction de collab #52 (NunezTania)
Bug Fixes
- Fix GJF CI Version #52 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix GJF CI Version #37 (Hugo Huart)
- Bump format CI Java version to 17 #37 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix format #37 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix formatting #41 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix formatting again #41 (Hugo Huart)
- int json mappings #52 (NunezTania)
- int json mappings #47 (NunezTania)
- int json mappings #47 (NunezTania)
- correction update state dans next #47 (NunezTania)
- trump null pas action #47 (NunezTania)
- Fix formatting #43 (Hugo Huart)
- null sur current #47 (NunezTania)
- duplication updateFirstForRound #47 (NunezTania)
- 2eme version mapping #47 (NunezTania)
- hand vide #47 (NunezTania)
- hand vide #47 (NunezTania)
- Mappings logique #47 (NunezTania)
- Plie ok #47 (NunezTania)
- mappings logique #47 (NunezTania)
- etat board fin de plie #47 (NunezTania)
- etat board fin de plie #47 (NunezTania)
- Fix formatting #45 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix formatting again #45 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix conflicts #52 (magskwa)
- Fix deck update on trump choice #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix conflicts again #46 (magskwa)
- Fix formatting again again #46 (Hugo Huart)
- merge compilable reste à tester le fonctionnement #47 (NunezTania)
- play des joueurs #47 (NunezTania)
- main triée #47 (maelle)
- affichage des cartes durant atout #52 (maelle)
- montrer les cartes quand atout #52 (maelle)
- Hotfix end changes #52 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix formatting #51 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix formatting again #51 (Hugo Huart)
- Small refactor #38 (Hugo Huart)
- Remove dummy mappings #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Add Lombok dependency #52 (Hugo Huart)
- Add placeholder card image #42 (Hugo Huart)
- Add auto-format utility #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Add mappings annotations #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Stuff #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Set permissive server CORS #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Create mappings TS file #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Create logic TS file #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Remove inline new logic in Board file #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Set looparound for player counter #47 (Hugo Huart)
- Start of second step implementation #47 (Hugo Huart)
- 45212d5: Add link to mockups in requirements (NicolasWichoud) #19
- 0243aaa: Merge branch 'main' into develop (Hugo Huart) #19
- 82b39eb: Add some user requirements (NicolasWichoud) #19
- modif du mockup #26 (magskwa)
- ajout choix de l'atout #26 (magskwa)
- 4d41fcc: doc : supprimer ancien mockup (magskwa) #26
- corrections de M. All #26 (NunezTania)
- interlignes #26 (NunezTania)
- Fix wrong image name #26 (Hugo Huart)
- plus de doublon #26 (NunezTania)
- 56157e1: Remove gros paragraphe (NicolasWichoud) #26
- eed23fb: demo (Hugo Huart) #25
- 86bf8e3: Update règle du 7 carreau (NicolasWichoud) #52
- change according to Friday's feedback #52 (maelle)
- 94b8b0f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop (maelle) #52
- change tour to plie #52 (maelle)
- portfolio matches livrable #52 (Maelle)
- 8eb786c: Fin des classes de bases (#29) (NunezTania) #29
- ab3c4f6: pdf landing page (NicolasWichoud) #52
- c30ea13: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop (NicolasWichoud) #52
- b1b7cd1: Feat : modification de la méthode playable (NicolasWichoud) #30
- 4e19ddd: feat : implementation du manager (magskwa) #37
- e8b1239: feat : developpement du manager (magskwa) #37
- 38b31f5: [FEATURE] Home page (#33) (Hugo Huart) #33
- 7eba69c: feat : fix bug (magskwa) #37
- cafb53b: fix : fix many bugs (magskwa) #37
- Add expected JSON #52 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix JSON syntax #52 (Hugo Huart)
- Add cards array to JSON #52 (Hugo Huart)
- Fix JSON spacing #52 (Hugo Huart)
- afdef0c: carte transparente pour garder les espaces (maelle) #42
- ae1af9d: ajout d'effet et css maj (maelle) #42
- 730a258: feat : ajout de la classe state (magskwa) #41
- 770123c: feat : complete la classe state (magskwa) #41
- 0042130: feat : add a todo (magskwa) #41
- e6ba66f: ajout du choix de l'atout (maelle) #42
- 27735fe: bloque le clique tant que la plie est pas finie (maelle) #42
- 2b24e47: ajout numérotation (maelle) #52
- 4db956e: Merge branch 'develop' into feature/api-mappings (Hugo Huart) #47
- 204fe33: feat : change of playableCards (magskwa) #52
- 1d566f1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop (magskwa) #52
- bb7818e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/api-mappings' into feature/api-mappings (NunezTania) #47
- 08e0fd7: Merge branch 'develop' into feature/api-mappings (Hugo Huart) #47
- b322691: ajout de variable pour les bots (maelle) #47
- 495284d: ajout de variable pour parse json (maelle) #47
- 2c33b53: ajout tableau de score (maelle) #47
- 459d8a8: rendre jouable que certaines cartes (maelle) #47
- cc618e1: Merge branch 'feature/api-mappings' of https://github.com/PDG-Javass/IJass into feature/api-mappings (Hugo Huart) #47
- 51f6d11: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/api-mappings' into feature/api-mappings (NunezTania) #47
- 899f990: Merge branch 'feature/api-mappings' of https://github.com/PDG-Javass/IJass into feature/api-mappings (Hugo Huart) #47
- 09331d3: rendre jouable que certaines cartes (maelle) #47
- 3b5c847: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/api-mappings' into feature/api-mappings (NunezTania) #47
- 7b8f819: Merge branch 'feature/api-mappings' of https://github.com/PDG-Javass/IJass into feature/api-mappings (Hugo Huart) #47
- 7f41347: feat : start of bot technique (magskwa) #43
- 4fa4b62: feat : finish bot play (magskwa) #43
- 9f81f6e: feat : test bot (magskwa) #45
- 5066162: test avec JSON (maelle) #47
- cc487ee: feat : premiere version du Bock (magskwa) #46
- 14ecace: feat : bock for trump (magskwa) #46
- 5cf9a23: Ajout du sprint 3 (NunezTania) #52
- 1a37e00: Update Portfolio.md (NunezTania) #52
- f00d2ce: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/api-mappings' into feature/api-mappings (NunezTania) #47
- bf97dd4: sequence (maelle) #47
- b59522f: attend click (maelle) #47
- 238d122: amélioration pour une plie. encore des bugs (maelle) #47
- ac592cd: suppersion de carte (maelle) #47
- e2a50eb: Merge branch 'develop' into ImplementBock (magskwa) #45
- 84d06dd: amélioration pour une plie. encore des bugs (maelle) #47
- 8b0aef2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop (magskwa) #52
- 1051a66: Merge branch 'develop' into feature/api-mappings (Hugo Huart) #47
- fb8ffbf: correction de bug. board maj (maelle) #47
- b536781: feat : cinq de der (magskwa) #47
- Update client README.md #52 (Hugo Huart)
- Create server README.md #52 (Hugo Huart)
- Update README.md #52 (Hugo Huart)
- 6cb09e2: Update README.md (Hugo Huart) #52
- ba19fc1: [FEATURE] API mappings (#47) (Hugo Huart) #47
- c570ed1: [FEATURE] Update style (#48) (Hugo Huart) #48
- 12fccc3: fix : playable cards (magskwa) #52
- d4da759: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/cleanup-api-mappings' into feature/cleanup-api-mappings (magskwa) #52
- e60c08a: [FEATURE] Page de choix (#49) (Hugo Huart) #49
- 25fe29c: Update README.md (Hugo Huart) #52
- 778c9b4: fix : fix many bugs (magskwa) #52
- 3593a5a: Merge branch 'feature/cleanup-api-mappings' of github.com:PDG-Javass/IJass into develop (maelle) #52
- 356a8ab: Create InstructionContribution.md (NunezTania) #52
- 108ec64: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop (magskwa) #52
- de66449: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop (NunezTania) #52
- Players et Cards #52 (NunezTania)
- be761bb: [FEATURE] End game page (#50) (Hugo Huart) #50
- debed4b: feat : implement collab (magskwa) #51
- 91cb8da: Merge branch 'develop' into BotMasteringGame (magskwa) #51
- Instruction contribution au git (à vérifier) #52 (NunezTania)
- 628802c: Merge branch 'main' into develop (Hugo Huart) #52
- ajout d'infos pour la conclusions et validation des tests (Maëlle.V)
- lien sur portfolio (Maëlle.V)
- a638453: [CHORE] Small things in client (#55) (Hugo Huart) #55
- Add DevOps informations (Hugo Huart)
- bfe6cee: Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/PDG-Javass/IJass into develop (Hugo Huart)
- v1.0.1 #56 (Hugo Huart)
- 37ee150: Merge branch 'main' into release/v1.0.1 (Hugo Huart) #56