This plugin provides a simple access to [Pusher API] ( via [the generic PHP Pusher library] ( This plugin also provides a way to generate all the javascript stuff with the Helper
Copy to your application plugins folder and load it in your bootstrap file :
CakePlugin::load('Pusher', array('
'bootstrap' => true
Add the PusherBehavior and the PusherHelper in your behaviors/helpers list :
public $actsAs = array('Pusher.Pusher');
public $helpers = array('Pusher.Pusher');
Your application needs to be register on [Pusher website] ( Open the Pusher/Config/bootstrap.php file and set your credentials.
Trigger an event on a channel is very simple. It's a server-side flow. In your controller just do the following :
//Some event information
$data = array('message' => 'Something happened');
//Trigger an event named EVENT_NAME on the CHANNEL_NAME channel. You can use private and presence channel by prefixing the name by private- or presence-. See pusher docs ( for details
$this->YourModel->trigger(CHANNEL_NAME, EVENT_NAME, $data);
"Receiving" a pushed event is a client-side flow, enjoy the realtime functionnality using Pusher Helper for generating javascript stuff :
//The third argument receive string will be parsed as javascript.
$this->Pusher->bindEvent(CHANNEL_NAME, EVENT_NAME, "console.log('An event was triggered with message '+data.message+');");
When using private channel, authentication is handled by the Pusher Controller. Your app need to be an authenticate app to use this functionnality.
A very simple example could be this :
public $actsAs = array('Pusher.Pusher');
public $components = array('Auth', 'Pusher.Pusher');
public $helpers = array('Pusher.Pusher');
public function push() {
$data = array(
'message' => 'Something happened !',
'triggeredBy' => $this->Auth->user('username')
$this->Foo->trigger('private-my-great-channel', 'foo_bar', $data);
public function receive() {
$this->Pusher->bindEvent('private-my-great-channel', 'foo_bar', 'console.log("An event was triggered by "+data.triggeredBy+" with message "+data.message+);');
Open your browser and open in one widget yourapp/foo/receive and in an another widget yourapp/foo/push. When you'll push the event you shoul see the message in your javascript console. If not, checks the ajax request to auth/ because you need to be authenticate since you're subscribing to a private channel.
The auth for presence channel is not handled yet Get channel infos Set socket_id to avoid duplicate event ...