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Github page maintenance

Paul J. Durack edited this page May 22, 2023 · 1 revision

PMP Documentation website

Online documentation for the PCMDI Metrics packages is maintained via github page. Provided here are instructions for updating the documentation.

Checking out and making changes to the docs branch:

You must be in a conda environment with "sphinx" and "sphinx_rtd_theme" installed

git pull origin main (optional, grab latest updates)
git checkout -b <new branch name>
cd docs

The source files are found in pcmdi_metrics/docs/source. There is an index.rst file that is the landing page. If you create a new page, make sure to list it under the toctree in index.rst.

Building for local preview

cd pcmdi_metrics/docs
make clean
make html

The make clean command is optional and deletes the existing docs/build folder, which is populated by make html. To view your changes locally, open pcmdi_metrics/docs/build/html/index.html with a browser. If it does not build as expected, first try running make clean before building again.

Build for github

The main difference here is that the web files have to be copied to /docs. There is a command that does builds and copies in one step:

cd pcmdi_metrics/docs
make github

Alternatively, these are the manual steps to build for github:

cd pcmdi_metrics/docs
make clean
make html
cp -r build/html/* . 

After building, you then have to "git add" all the files you copied from build/html and commit before pushing. This includes *html, *inv, and *js files, along with the _sources and _static folders (which are currently listed in .gitignore, so you have to make sure to add them) For example:

git add source/*rst *html *inv *js _static _sources
git commit -m "your message"

Then you can push your changes

Pushing your changes to your fork to preview:

In pcmdi_metrics, set up your fork as a remote:

git remote add <remote name> <>
git remote -v

Checkout and push your changes:

git checkout <branch with changes>
git push <remote name> <branch with changes>

Then go to your forked repo on Go to Settings -> GitHub Pages -> Source. Under source, select the name of the branch you just pushed. Choose /docs as the folder. This will generate a link to your github pages site.

You can also open a pull request from your fork repo, if desired.