Welcome to lighty.io netconf simulator 18.4.0!
This release maintains compatibility with lighty.io 18.4.0 and the most recent project versions of OpenDaylight 2023-03 Argon.
What's Changed
- Limit org.xmlunit dependency scope by @ihrasko in #198
- Bump org.xmlunit to 2.9.1 by @ihrasko in #201
- Suppress warnings for ActionServiceDeviceProcessor by @ihrasko in #213
- Bump 3rd party dependencies by @ihrasko in #220
- Implement netconf 5.0.10 changes by @Tobianas in #226
- Bump Lighty-core to 18.4.0 by @Tobianas in #222
Full Changelog: 18.3.0...18.4.0