This config has been made for an installation of arch
If you need help installing arch with LVM over LUKS here are some links : A gist A second one
i3-gaps or LeftWM
I switched to Sway (Wayland, wlroots)
- sway
- ly¹
- grim
- slurp
- wl-copy
- wlsunset
- waybar
- pipewire
- tofi
- kanshi : auto screen layout switching, for when I'm connected to a dock
- wdisplays : wayland cousin of arandr
- nm-applet
- blueberry
- vs-codium
- firefox
cmusmpd & ncmpcpp (or Spotify sometimes)- gpodder
- thunar
- engrampa
- kakoune
- discord
- alacritty
- NetworkManager
- pactl
- python
- Fira Code
- Fira Sans
- Noto Sans
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
¹ : available through AUR, use an AUR helper