- a simple task tracker to create and track tasks.
The application displays a list of all tasks. Tasks can be created, deleted and edited.
- The application has three layers: Controller, Service, Persistence;
- On the page with a list of all tasks
- the table displays the name, creation date and status (completed or not);
- button for adding task "Add task";
- three links: All, Completed, New - when translating by links, the table displays: all tasks, only completed or only new ones;
- Clicking on a task will take you to a page with a detailed description;
- On the page with a detailed description there are buttons: Done, Edit, Delete;
- If you click on the "Execute" button, then the task will be transferred to the "Completed" state;
- Button "Edit" - transfers the user to a separate page for editing;
- Button "Delete" - deletes the task and goes to the list of all tasks.
- Java 17,
- Maven 4.0,
- Hibernate 5,
- Spring boot 2,
- PostgreSql 14,
- Liquibase,
- SLF4J,
- Lombok,
- Thymeleaf 3,
- Bootstrap 5,.
- Java 17,
- Maven 3.8,
- PostgreSQL 14