Our Quarto based documentation
First, ensure you have Quarto installed. If you haven't installed Quarto yet, you can download it from the official Quarto website and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
Open a Terminal or Command Prompt: Navigate to the root directory of your Quarto project where your _quarto.yml and content files are located.
Serve the Website: Run the following command to serve your Quarto website locally:
quarto serve
This command starts a local web server and automatically opens your default web browser to the address of your locally served site (usually http://localhost:4000 or similar). If the browser doesn't open automatically, you can manually open it and enter the local address provided in the terminal output.
Run quarto publish
This is a self documenting document repo. Please go to the index.qmd
to read about our documention.
DESCRIBE TABLE external.db_stacks.tbl_dev_br_blocks