A circuit breaker made in JavaEE.
You can use the circuit breaker by simply injecting it:
private CircuitBreaker circuitBreaker;
The circuitbreaker can be used the following way:
The circuit breaker can also be injecting with configuration:
@CircuitBreakerConfig(timeOut = 5000, errorsThreshold = 3, sleepWindow = 5000)
private CircuitBreaker circuitBreaker;
The circuitbreaker makes use of a ManagedExecutorService.
Use this blog to create a ManagedExecutorService in glassfish: https://blogs.oracle.com/arungupta/entry/create_managedexecutorservice_managedscheduledexecutorservice_managedthreadfactory_contextservice
A Dockerfile and script is supplied to run the circuit breaker in glassfish
execute run.sh in the docker directory and watch the running cicuitbreaker example app at http://'DOCKERHOST':8080/CircuitBreakerJEE/