Legion::Transport is the gem responsible for connecting LegionIO to the FIFO queue system(RabbitMQ over AMQP 0.9.1)
Legion::Transport should work identically on:
- JRuby 9.2+
- Ruby 2.4+
You can verify your installation using this piece of code:
gem install legion-transport
require 'legion/transport'
conn = Legion::Transport::Connection
conn.channel # => ::Bunny::Channel
conn.session # => ::Bunny::Session
"type": "rabbitmq",
"connected": false,
"logger_level": "info",
"messages": {
"encrypt": false,
"ttl": null,
"priority": 0,
"persistent": true
"prefetch": 2,
"exchanges": {
"type": "topic",
"arguments": {},
"auto_delete": false,
"durable": true,
"internal": false
"queues": {
"manual_ack": true,
"durable": true,
"exclusive": false,
"block": false,
"auto_delete": false,
"arguments": {
"x-max-priority": 255,
"x-overflow": "reject-publish"
"connection": {
"read_timeout": 1,
"heartbeat": 30,
"automatically_recover": true,
"continuation_timeout": 4000,
"network_recovery_interval": 1,
"connection_timeout": 1,
"frame_max": 65536,
"user": "guest",
"password": "guest",
"host": "",
"port": "5672",
"vhost": "/",
"recovery_attempts": 100,
"logger_level": "info",
"connected": false
"channel": {
"default_worker_pool_size": 1,
"session_worker_pool_size": 8
- Matthew Iverson - current maintainer