This is a map based on leaflet to display flat rental prices of German cities. This code gets refactored, so any German city can use this rent map.
The data is based on ads from Immobilienscout24 and is collected using a custom scraper written in python2. Scraper and heatmap generator are both part of the repo.
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd mietmap
Create a [virtualenv] and activate it:
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set your configuration (edit it to your needs):
cp config.sample.json config.json
Run the scraper to get the prices and addresses from ImmobilienScout24:
python scraper/
shows the available options. Log messages are written to scrape.log
Run the to create the color overlay for the map:
Open up your browser and insert the path of the index.html in your url bar.
Licensed under the MIT license, see the file LICENSE
It's a forked project from CodeforKarlsruhe. Thanks, you are awesome!