Citizen Participation and Open Government application based on Decidim.
This application is maintained by Open Source Politics. Some non official customizations can be found see OVERLOADS.MD.
Once repository is cloned, you can now install dependencies, fetch external migrations and migrate
We created a rake task to install automatically the dependencies
Execute command :
bundle exec rake decidim_app:setup
Otherwise follow these steps :
- Install dependencies
bundle install
- Install Decidim Awesome dependencies
bundle exec rails decidim_decidim_awesome:install:migrations
bundle exec rails decidim_decidim_awesome:webpacker:install
- Install Homepage Interactive Map dependencies
bundle exec rake decidim_homepage_interactive_map:install:migrations
- Install Term Customizer dependencies
bundle exec rails decidim_term_customizer:install:migrations
- Install Ludens dependencies and initialize the module
bundle exec rake decidim_ludens:install:migrations
bundle exec rake decidim_ludens:initialize
- Install migrations
bundle exec rake db:migrate
All dependencies should be now installed and ready-to-use !
You will need to do some steps before having the app working properly once you've deployed it:
- Open a Rails console in the server:
bundle exec rails console
- Create a System Admin user:
email = <your email>
password = <a secure password>
user = email, password: password, password_confirmation: password)!
- Visit
<your app url>/system
and login with your system admin credentials - Create a new organization. Check the locales you want to use for that organization, and select a default locale.
- Set the correct default host for the organization, otherwise the app will not work properly. Note that you need to include any subdomain you might be using.
- Fill the rest of the form and submit it.
IMPORTANT! : You must ensure all environnement variables are defined, see .env-example
You're good to go!
This application has a functional testing suite. You can easily run locally the tests as following :
Create test environment database
bundle exec rake test:setup
And then run tests using rspec
bundle exec rspec spec/
You can boot a Decidim environment in Docker using the Makefile taht will run docker-compose commands and the last built image from the Dockerfile. Three context are available :
- Clean Decidim
An environment running the current Decidim version (from Gemfile) without any data.
make start-clean-decidim
- Seeded Decidim
An environment running the current Decidim version (from Gemfile) with generated seeds
make start-seeded-decidim
- Dumped Decidim
An environment running the current Decidim version (from Gemfile) with real data dumped from an existing platform to simulate a Decidim bump version before doing in the real production environment.
make start-dumped-decidim
Warning : you need to get a psql dump on your local machine to restore it in your containerized database Warning2 : you need to set organization host to with the rails console
To get rid off your Docker environmnent :
- Shut down Docker environmnent
make stop
- Delete resources
make delete
Make commands are available to help you troubleshoot your Docker environment
- Start Rails console
make rails-console
- Start bash session to app container
make connect-app
Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that provides an easy deployment of your infrastructure for installing Decidim.
Many providers are available (AWS, Heroku, DigitalOcean...). Check the Terraform registry to see how to use Terraform with your provider
Each Terraform deployment are stored in the deploy folder and sorted by providers
Feel free to add new deployments!
Each provider will need a way to authenticate at their API. Make sure to set environment variables asked in the provider's documentation before using deployments.
- To use Scaleway's provider
export SCW_ACCESS_KEY=<your_access_key>
export SCW_TOKEN=<your_scw_token>
export SCW_DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID=<id_of_your_project/organization>
- To use DigitalOcean's provider
export DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN=<your_do_token>
export SPACES_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your_do_space_access_key>
export SPACES_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_do_space_secret_key>
Check the list of make commands in the Makefile. Each command corresponds to a provider and a specific need.
- To deploy a new infrastructure with Scaleway
make deploy-scw