Hello! If you want to become a part of our FE team of Open Source International company, you need to complete a small test.
fork this repository to your github account
implement a landing page as described below
publish it on github pages
send us your github account and a link to the published site here [email protected] (Theme > Frontend test work > Name Surname)
wait for feedback
It is necessary to implement the landing page, using the test work requirements as described below.
Use GULP task runner (https://gulpjs.com/).
Use Nunjucks for markup (https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/).
Use SASS for styles (https://sass-lang.com/).
HTML/CSS should be valid (https://validator.w3.org/).
Images should be compressed
Use BEM naming convensions (https://en.bem.info/methodology/ , https://css-tricks.com/abem-useful-adaptation-bem/).
Using vanilla JS/ES6+ would be a big plus.
templates (for Nunjucks compilation)
styles (for SASS compilation)
server (for start local server)
images (for image compressing)
build (for building project for client)
use semantic tags (header, footer, section etc.)
use flex for layouts
markup shouldn’t be broke if we delete some element
use BEM naming
use Swiper for slider if it presents in design (https://swiperjs.com/swiper-api)
use such breakpoints:
1280 px and more: PC, Mac and tablets in landscape format,
768-1279 px: tablets in portrait format,
0-767 px: mobiles in portrait format
pixel perfect markup
a11y injection