This repository contains the code for the web site that allows OpenSeizureDetector users to upload data from seizures or false alarms. This will allow us to build up an anonymised open data set of seizure data to use for research to develop better detection algorithms - there is very little publicly availale seizure data so it is very difficult to test new algorithms to see if the improve detection reliability or reduce false alarms.
Users wishing to access the anonymised database of user contributed data should refer to the (Open Seizure Database)[].
The code uses a mysql database and there is Django python web frame work application that provides an API (see the 'webApi' folder), which contains some installation instructions in its file.
There is also a javascript based front end that will allow users to view their data and correct or anotate seizuzre or false alarm reports. (See the 'frontend' folder), but this is not yet working.