No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This Dart package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen
Dart 1.20.0 or later OR Flutter 0.0.20 or later
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
name: swagger
version: 1.0.0
description: Swagger API client
version: 'any'
To use the package in your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/swagger
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:swagger/api.dart';
var client = ApiClient();
try {
await client.connectToOpenSILEX(
identifier: "[email protected]",
password: "guest",
host: "http://localhost:8666/rest");
} catch (e) {
var security_instance_auth = new SecurityApi(client);
try {
var users = await security_instance_auth.searchUsers();
} catch (e) {
var experiment_instance = new ExperimentsApi(client);
try {
var exps = await experiment_instance.searchExperiments();
} catch (e) {
All URIs are relative to https://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnnotationsApi | countAnnotations | GET /core/annotations/count | Count annotations |
AnnotationsApi | createAnnotation | POST /core/annotations | Create an annotation |
AnnotationsApi | deleteAnnotation | DELETE /core/annotations/{uri} | Delete an annotation |
AnnotationsApi | getAnnotation | GET /core/annotations/{uri} | Get an annotation |
AnnotationsApi | searchAnnotations | GET /core/annotations | Search annotations |
AnnotationsApi | searchMotivations | GET /core/annotations/motivations | Search motivations |
AnnotationsApi | updateAnnotation | PUT /core/annotations | Update an annotation |
AreaApi | createArea | POST /core/area | Add an area |
AreaApi | deleteArea | DELETE /core/area/{uri} | Delete an area |
AreaApi | getByURI | GET /core/area/{uri} | Get an area |
AreaApi | searchIntersects | POST /core/area/intersects | Get area whose geometry corresponds to the Intersections |
AreaApi | updateArea | PUT /core/area | Update an area |
AuthenticationApi | authenticate | POST /security/authenticate | Authenticate a user and return an access token |
AuthenticationApi | authenticateOpenID | GET /security/openid | Authenticate a user and return an access token |
AuthenticationApi | forgotPassword | POST /security/forgot-password | Send an e-mail confirmation |
AuthenticationApi | getCredentialsGroups | GET /security/credentials | Get list of existing credentials indexed by Swagger @API concepts in the application |
AuthenticationApi | logout | DELETE /security/logout | Logout by discarding a user token |
AuthenticationApi | renewPassword | PUT /security/renew-password | Update user password |
AuthenticationApi | renewToken | PUT /security/renew-token | Send back a new token if the provided one is still valid |
BRAPIApi | getCalls | GET /brapi/v1/calls | Check the available BrAPI calls |
BRAPIApi | getGermplasmBySearch | GET /brapi/v1/germplasm | Submit a search request for germplasm |
BRAPIApi | getObservationUnits | GET /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}/observationunits | List all the observation units measured in the study. |
BRAPIApi | getObservationVariables | GET /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}/observationvariables | List all the observation variables measured in the study. |
BRAPIApi | getObservations | GET /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}/observations | Get the observations associated to a specific study |
BRAPIApi | getStudies | GET /brapi/v1/studies | Retrieve studies information |
BRAPIApi | getStudiesSearch | GET /brapi/v1/studies-search | Retrieve studies information |
BRAPIApi | getStudyDetails | GET /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId} | Retrieve study details |
BRAPIApi | getVariableDetails | GET /brapi/v1/variables/{observationVariableDbId} | Retrieve variable details by id |
BRAPIApi | getVariablesList | GET /brapi/v1/variables | Call to retrieve a list of observationVariables available in the system |
DataApi | addListData | POST /core/data | Add data |
DataApi | countData | GET /core/data/count | Count data |
DataApi | createProvenance | POST /core/provenances | Add a provenance |
DataApi | deleteData | DELETE /core/data/{uri} | Delete data |
DataApi | deleteDataOnSearch | DELETE /core/data | Delete data on criteria |
DataApi | deleteProvenance | DELETE /core/provenances/{uri} | Delete a provenance that doesn't describe data |
DataApi | exportData | GET /core/data/export | Export data |
DataApi | getData | GET /core/data/{uri} | Get data |
DataApi | getDataFile | GET /core/datafiles/{uri} | Get a data file |
DataApi | getDataFileDescription | GET /core/datafiles/{uri}/description | Get a data file description |
DataApi | getDataFileDescriptionsBySearch | GET /core/datafiles | Search data files |
DataApi | getDatafilesProvenances | GET /core/datafiles/provenances | Get provenances linked to datafiles |
DataApi | getPicturesThumbnails | GET /core/datafiles/{uri}/thumbnail | Get a picture thumbnail |
DataApi | getProvenance | GET /core/provenances/{uri} | Get a provenance |
DataApi | getProvenancesByURIs | GET /core/provenances/by_uris | Get a list of provenances by their URIs |
DataApi | getUsedProvenances | GET /core/data/provenances | Get provenances linked to data |
DataApi | getUsedVariables | GET /core/data/variables | Get variables linked to data |
DataApi | importCSVData | POST /core/data/import | Import a CSV file for the given provenanceURI |
DataApi | postDataFile | POST /core/datafiles | Add a data file |
DataApi | postDataFilePaths | POST /core/datafiles/description | Describe datafiles and give their relative paths in the configured storage system. In the case of already stored datafiles. |
DataApi | searchDataList | GET /core/data | Search data |
DataApi | searchProvenance | GET /core/provenances | Get provenances |
DataApi | update | PUT /core/data | Update data |
DataApi | updateConfidence | PUT /core/data/{uri}/confidence | Update confidence index |
DataApi | updateProvenance | PUT /core/provenances | Update a provenance |
DataApi | validateCSV | POST /core/data/import_validation | Import a CSV file for the given provenanceURI. |
DevicesApi | countDeviceData | GET /core/devices/{uri}/data/count | Count device data |
DevicesApi | createDevice | POST /core/devices | Create a device |
DevicesApi | deleteDevice | DELETE /core/devices/{uri} | Delete a device |
DevicesApi | exportDevices | GET /core/devices/export | export devices |
DevicesApi | exportList | POST /core/devices/export_by_uris | export devices |
DevicesApi | getDevice | GET /core/devices/{uri} | Get device detail |
DevicesApi | getDeviceByUris | GET /core/devices/by_uris | Get devices by uris |
DevicesApi | getDeviceDataFilesProvenances | GET /core/devices/{uri}/datafiles/provenances | Get provenances of datafiles linked to this device |
DevicesApi | getDeviceDataProvenances | GET /core/devices/{uri}/data/provenances | Get provenances of data that have been measured on this device |
DevicesApi | getDeviceVariables | GET /core/devices/{uri}/variables | Get variables linked to the device |
DevicesApi | searchDeviceData | GET /core/devices/{uri}/data | Search device data |
DevicesApi | searchDeviceDatafiles | GET /core/devices/{uri}/datafiles | Search device datafiles descriptions |
DevicesApi | searchDevices | GET /core/devices | Search devices |
DevicesApi | updateDevice | PUT /core/devices | Update a device |
DocumentsApi | createDocument | POST /core/documents | Add a document |
DocumentsApi | deleteDocument | DELETE /core/documents/{uri} | Delete a document |
DocumentsApi | getDocumentFile | GET /core/documents/{uri} | Get document |
DocumentsApi | getDocumentMetadata | GET /core/documents/{uri}/description | Get document's description |
DocumentsApi | searchDocuments | GET /core/documents | Search documents |
DocumentsApi | updateDocument | PUT /core/documents | Update document's description |
EventsApi | countEvents | GET /core/events/count | Count events |
EventsApi | createEvents | POST /core/events | Create a list of event |
EventsApi | createMoves | POST /core/events/moves | Create a list of move event |
EventsApi | deleteEvent | DELETE /core/events/{uri} | Delete an event |
EventsApi | deleteMoveEvent | DELETE /core/events/moves/{uri} | Delete a move event |
EventsApi | getEvent | GET /core/events/{uri} | Get an event |
EventsApi | getEventDetails | GET /core/events/{uri}/details | Get an event with all it's properties |
EventsApi | getMoveEvent | GET /core/events/moves/{uri} | Get a move with all it's properties |
EventsApi | importEventCSV | POST /core/events/import | Import a CSV file with one move and one target per line |
EventsApi | importMoveCSV | POST /core/events/moves/import | Import a CSV file with one move and one target per line |
EventsApi | searchEvents | GET /core/events | Search events |
EventsApi | updateEvent | PUT /core/events | Update an event |
EventsApi | updateMoveEvent | PUT /core/events/moves | Update a move event |
EventsApi | validateEventCSV | POST /core/events/import_validation | Check a CSV file with one move and one target per line |
EventsApi | validateMoveCSV | POST /core/events/moves/import_validation | Check a CSV file with one move and one target per line |
ExperimentsApi | createExperiment | POST /core/experiments | Add an experiment |
ExperimentsApi | deleteExperiment | DELETE /core/experiments/{uri} | Delete an experiment |
ExperimentsApi | exportExperimentDataList | GET /core/experiments/{uri}/data/export | export experiment data |
ExperimentsApi | getAvailableFacilities | GET /core/experiments/{uri}/available_facilities | Get facilities available for an experiment |
ExperimentsApi | getAvailableFactors | GET /core/experiments/{uri}/factors | Get factors with their levels associated to an experiment |
ExperimentsApi | getAvailableSpecies | GET /core/experiments/{uri}/species | Get species present in an experiment |
ExperimentsApi | getExperiment | GET /core/experiments/{uri} | Get an experiment |
ExperimentsApi | getExperimentsByURIs | GET /core/experiments/by_uris | Get experiments URIs |
ExperimentsApi | getUsedVariables1 | GET /core/experiments/{uri}/variables | Get variables involved in an experiment |
ExperimentsApi | importCSVData1 | POST /core/experiments/{uri}/data/import | Import a CSV file for the given experiment URI and scientific object type. |
ExperimentsApi | searchExperimentDataList | GET /core/experiments/{uri}/data | Search data |
ExperimentsApi | searchExperimentProvenances | GET /core/experiments/{uri}/provenances | Get provenances involved in an experiment |
ExperimentsApi | searchExperiments | GET /core/experiments | Search experiments |
ExperimentsApi | updateExperiment | PUT /core/experiments | Update an experiment |
ExperimentsApi | validateCSV1 | POST /core/experiments/{uri}/data/import_validation | Import a CSV file for the given experiment URI and scientific object type. |
FactorsApi | createFactor | POST /core/experiments/factors | Create a factor |
FactorsApi | deleteFactor | DELETE /core/experiments/factors/{uri} | Delete a factor |
FactorsApi | deleteFactorLevel | DELETE /core/experiments/factors/levels/{uri} | Delete a factor level |
FactorsApi | getFactorAssociatedExperiments | GET /core/experiments/factors/{uri}/experiments | Get factor associated experiments |
FactorsApi | getFactorByURI | GET /core/experiments/factors/{uri} | Get a factor |
FactorsApi | getFactorLevel | GET /core/experiments/factors/levels/{uri} | Get a factor level |
FactorsApi | getFactorLevelDetail | GET /core/experiments/factors/levels/{uri}/details | Get a factor level |
FactorsApi | getFactorLevels | GET /core/experiments/factors/{uri}/levels | Get factor levels |
FactorsApi | getFactorsByURIs | GET /core/experiments/factors/by_uris | Get a list of factors by their URIs |
FactorsApi | searchCategories | GET /core/experiments/factors/categories | Search categories |
FactorsApi | searchFactorLevels | GET /core/experiments/factors/factor_levels | Search factors levels |
FactorsApi | searchFactors | GET /core/experiments/factors | Search factors |
FactorsApi | updateFactor | PUT /core/experiments/factors | Update a factor |
GermplasmApi | createGermplasm | POST /core/germplasm | Add a germplasm |
GermplasmApi | deleteGermplasm | DELETE /core/germplasm/{uri} | Delete a germplasm |
GermplasmApi | exportGermplasm | GET /core/germplasm/export | export germplasm |
GermplasmApi | exportGermplasmByURIs | POST /core/germplasm/export_by_uris | export germplasm by list of uris |
GermplasmApi | getGermplasm | GET /core/germplasm/{uri} | Get a germplasm |
GermplasmApi | getGermplasmExperiments | GET /core/germplasm/{uri}/experiments | Get experiments where a germplasm has been used |
GermplasmApi | getGermplasmsByURI | GET /core/germplasm/by_uris | Get a list of germplasms by their URIs |
GermplasmApi | searchGermplasm | GET /core/germplasm | Search germplasm |
GermplasmApi | updateGermplasm | PUT /core/germplasm | Update a germplasm |
MobileApi | createForm | POST /mobile/forms_post | Add a form |
MobileApi | createSection | POST /mobile/sections_post | Add a form |
MobileApi | deleteForm | DELETE /mobile/form/{uri} | Delete form |
MobileApi | deleteSection | DELETE /mobile/delete_section/{uri} | Delete section |
MobileApi | importCSVCodes | POST /mobile/import | Import a CSV file containing parent and child code-lots |
MobileApi | searchForms | GET /mobile/form_get | Search forms |
MobileApi | searchSections | GET /mobile/section_get | Search sections |
MobileApi | updateForm | PUT /mobile/form_put | Update form |
MobileApi | updateSection | PUT /mobile/section_put | Update section |
OntologyApi | addClassPropertyRestriction | POST /ontology/rdf_type_property_restriction | Add a rdf type property restriction |
OntologyApi | checkURIsTypes | POST /ontology/check_rdf_types | Check the given rdf-types on the given uris |
OntologyApi | createProperty | POST /ontology/property | Create a RDF property |
OntologyApi | deleteClassPropertyRestriction | DELETE /ontology/rdf_type_property_restriction | Delete a rdf type property restriction |
OntologyApi | deleteProperty | DELETE /ontology/property | Delete a property |
OntologyApi | getClasses | GET /ontology/rdf_types | Return classes models definitions with properties for a list of rdf types |
OntologyApi | getDataProperties | GET /ontology/data_properties | Search data properties tree |
OntologyApi | getObjectProperties | GET /ontology/object_properties | Search object properties tree |
OntologyApi | getProperties | GET /ontology/properties | Search properties tree |
OntologyApi | getProperty | GET /ontology/property | Return property model definition detail |
OntologyApi | getRDFType | GET /ontology/rdf_type | Return class model definition with properties |
OntologyApi | getSubClassesOf | GET /ontology/subclasses_of | Search sub-classes tree of an RDF class |
OntologyApi | getURILabel | GET /ontology/uri_label | Return associated rdfs:label of an uri if exists |
OntologyApi | getURILabelsList | GET /ontology/uris_labels | Return associated rdfs:label of uris if they exist |
OntologyApi | searchSubClassesOf | GET /ontology/subclasses_of/search | Search sub-classes tree of an RDF class |
OntologyApi | updateClassPropertyRestriction | PUT /ontology/rdf_type_property_restriction | Update a rdf type property restriction |
OntologyApi | updateProperty | PUT /ontology/property | Update a RDF property |
OrganisationsApi | createInfrastructure | POST /core/organisations | Create an organisation |
OrganisationsApi | createInfrastructureFacility | POST /core/facilities | Create a facility |
OrganisationsApi | deleteInfrastructure | DELETE /core/organisations/{uri} | Delete an organisation |
OrganisationsApi | deleteInfrastructureFacility | DELETE /core/facilities/{uri} | Delete a facility |
OrganisationsApi | getAllFacilities | GET /core/facilities/all_facilities | Get all facilities |
OrganisationsApi | getFacilitiesByURI | GET /core/facilities/by_uris | Get facilities by their URIs |
OrganisationsApi | getInfrastructure | GET /core/organisations/{uri} | Get an organisation |
OrganisationsApi | getInfrastructureFacility | GET /core/facilities/{uri} | Get a facility |
OrganisationsApi | searchInfrastructureFacilities | GET /core/facilities | Search facilities |
OrganisationsApi | searchInfrastructures | GET /core/organisations | Search organisations |
OrganisationsApi | updateInfrastructure | PUT /core/organisations | Update an organisation |
OrganisationsApi | updateInfrastructureFacility | PUT /core/facilities | Update a facility |
PositionsApi | getPosition | GET /core/positions/{uri} | Get the position of an object |
PositionsApi | searchPositionHistory | GET /core/positions/history | Search history of position of an object |
ProjectsApi | createProject | POST /core/projects | Add a project |
ProjectsApi | deleteProject | DELETE /core/projects/{uri} | Delete a project |
ProjectsApi | getProject | GET /core/projects/{uri} | Get a project |
ProjectsApi | getProjectsByURI | GET /core/projects/by_uris | Get projects by their URIs |
ProjectsApi | searchProjects | GET /core/projects | Search projects |
ProjectsApi | updateProject | PUT /core/projects | Update a project |
ScientificObjectsApi | createScientificObject | POST /core/scientific_objects | Create a scientific object for the given experiment |
ScientificObjectsApi | deleteScientificObject | DELETE /core/scientific_objects/{uri} | Delete a scientific object |
ScientificObjectsApi | exportCSV | POST /core/scientific_objects/export | Export a given list of scientific object URIs to csv data file |
ScientificObjectsApi | getScientificObjectDataFilesProvenances | GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri}/datafiles/provenances | Get provenances of datafiles linked to this scientific object |
ScientificObjectsApi | getScientificObjectDataProvenances | GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri}/data/provenances | Get provenances of data that have been measured on this scientific object |
ScientificObjectsApi | getScientificObjectDetail | GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri} | Get scientific object detail |
ScientificObjectsApi | getScientificObjectDetailByExperiments | GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri}/experiments | Get scientific object detail for each experiments, a null value for experiment in response means a properties defined outside of any experiment (shared object). |
ScientificObjectsApi | getScientificObjectVariables | GET /core/scientific_objects/{uri}/variables | Get variables measured on this scientific object |
ScientificObjectsApi | getScientificObjectsChildren | GET /core/scientific_objects/children | Get list of scientific object children |
ScientificObjectsApi | getScientificObjectsListByUris | POST /core/scientific_objects/by_uris | Get scientific objet list of a given experiment URI |
ScientificObjectsApi | getUsedTypes | GET /core/scientific_objects/used_types | get used scientific object types |
ScientificObjectsApi | importCSV | POST /core/scientific_objects/import | Import a CSV file for the given experiment URI and scientific object type. |
ScientificObjectsApi | searchScientificObjects | GET /core/scientific_objects | Search list of scientific objects |
ScientificObjectsApi | searchScientificObjectsWithGeometryListByUris | GET /core/scientific_objects/geometry | Get scientific objet list with geometry of a given experiment URI |
ScientificObjectsApi | updateScientificObject | PUT /core/scientific_objects | Update a scientific object for the given experiment |
ScientificObjectsApi | validateCSV2 | POST /core/scientific_objects/import_validation | Validate a CSV file for the given experiment URI and scientific object type. |
SecurityApi | createGroup | POST /security/groups | Add a group |
SecurityApi | createProfile | POST /security/profiles | Add a profile |
SecurityApi | createUser | POST /security/users | Add an user |
SecurityApi | deleteGroup | DELETE /security/groups/{uri} | Delete a group |
SecurityApi | deleteProfile | DELETE /security/profiles/{uri} | Delete a profile |
SecurityApi | deleteUser | DELETE /security/users/{uri} | Delete an user |
SecurityApi | getAllProfiles | GET /security/profiles/all | Get all profiles |
SecurityApi | getGroup | GET /security/groups/{uri} | Get a group |
SecurityApi | getGroupsByURI | GET /security/groups/by_uris | Get groups by their URIs |
SecurityApi | getProfile | GET /security/profiles/{uri} | Get a profile |
SecurityApi | getUser | GET /security/users/{uri} | Get an user |
SecurityApi | getUserGroups | GET /security/users/{uri}/groups | Get groups of an user |
SecurityApi | getUsersByURI | GET /security/users/by_uris | Get users by their URIs |
SecurityApi | searchGroups | GET /security/groups | Search groups |
SecurityApi | searchProfiles | GET /security/profiles | Search profiles |
SecurityApi | searchUsers | GET /security/users | Search users |
SecurityApi | updateGroup | PUT /security/groups | Update a group |
SecurityApi | updateProfile | PUT /security/profiles | Update a profile |
SecurityApi | updateUser | PUT /security/users | Update an user |
SpeciesApi | getAllSpecies | GET /core/species | get species (no pagination) |
SystemApi | getVersionInfo | GET /core/system/info | get system information |
VariablesApi | classicExportVariableByURIs | POST /core/variables/export_classic_by_uris | export variable by list of uris |
VariablesApi | createCharacteristic | POST /core/characteristics | Add a characteristic |
VariablesApi | createEntity | POST /core/entities | Add an entity |
VariablesApi | createInterestEntity | POST /core/entities_of_interest | Add an entity of interest |
VariablesApi | createMethod | POST /core/methods | Add a method |
VariablesApi | createUnit | POST /core/units | Add an unit |
VariablesApi | createVariable | POST /core/variables | Add a variable |
VariablesApi | createVariablesGroup | POST /core/variables_group | Add a variables group |
VariablesApi | deleteCharacteristic | DELETE /core/characteristics/{uri} | Delete a characteristic |
VariablesApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /core/entities/{uri} | Delete an entity |
VariablesApi | deleteInterestEntity | DELETE /core/entities_of_interest/{uri} | Delete an entity of interest |
VariablesApi | deleteMethod | DELETE /core/methods/{uri} | Delete a method |
VariablesApi | deleteUnit | DELETE /core/units/{uri} | Delete an unit |
VariablesApi | deleteVariable | DELETE /core/variables/{uri} | Delete a variable |
VariablesApi | deleteVariablesGroup | DELETE /core/variables_group/{uri} | Delete a variables group |
VariablesApi | detailsExportVariableByURIs | POST /core/variables/export_details_by_uris | export detailed variable by list of uris |
VariablesApi | getCharacteristic | GET /core/characteristics/{uri} | Get a characteristic |
VariablesApi | getDatatypes | GET /core/variables/datatypes | Get variables datatypes |
VariablesApi | getEntity | GET /core/entities/{uri} | Get an entity |
VariablesApi | getInterestEntity | GET /core/entities_of_interest/{uri} | Get an entity of interest |
VariablesApi | getMethod | GET /core/methods/{uri} | Get a method |
VariablesApi | getUnit | GET /core/units/{uri} | Get an unit |
VariablesApi | getVariable | GET /core/variables/{uri} | Get a variable |
VariablesApi | getVariablesByURIs | GET /core/variables/by_uris | Get detailed variables by uris |
VariablesApi | getVariablesGroup | GET /core/variables_group/{uri} | Get a variables group |
VariablesApi | getVariablesGroupByURIs | GET /core/variables_group/by_uris | Get variables groups by their URIs |
VariablesApi | searchCharacteristics | GET /core/characteristics | Search characteristics by name |
VariablesApi | searchEntities | GET /core/entities | Search entities by name |
VariablesApi | searchInterestEntity | GET /core/entities_of_interest | Search entities of interest by name |
VariablesApi | searchMethods | GET /core/methods | Search methods by name |
VariablesApi | searchUnits | GET /core/units | Search units by name |
VariablesApi | searchVariables | GET /core/variables | Search variables by name, long name, entity, characteristic, method or unit name |
VariablesApi | searchVariablesDetails | GET /core/variables/details | Search detailed variables by name, long name, entity, characteristic, method or unit name |
VariablesApi | searchVariablesGroups | GET /core/variables_group | Search variables groups |
VariablesApi | updateCharacteristic | PUT /core/characteristics | Update a characteristic |
VariablesApi | updateEntity | PUT /core/entities | Update an entity |
VariablesApi | updateInterestEntity | PUT /core/entities_of_interest | Update an entity of interest |
VariablesApi | updateMethod | PUT /core/methods | Update a method |
VariablesApi | updateUnit | PUT /core/units | Update an unit |
VariablesApi | updateVariable | PUT /core/variables | Update a variable |
VariablesApi | updateVariablesGroup | PUT /core/variables_group | Update a variables group |
VueJsApi | getConfig | GET /vuejs/config | Return the current configuration |
VueJsApi | getExtension | GET /vuejs/extension/js/{module}.js | Return the front Vue JS extension file to include |
VueJsApi | getExtensionStyle | GET /vuejs/extension/css/{module}.css | Return the front Vue JS extension css file to include |
VueJsApi | getThemeConfig | GET /vuejs/theme/{moduleId}/{themeId}/config | Return the front Vue JS theme configuration |
VueJsApi | getThemeCss | GET /vuejs/theme/{moduleId}/{themeId}/style.css | Return the theme css file |
VueJsApi | getThemeResource | GET /vuejs/theme/{moduleId}/{themeId}/resource | Return the theme requested resource |
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi | createRDFType | POST /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type | Create a custom class |
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi | deleteRDFType | DELETE /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type | Delete a RDF type |
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi | getDataTypes1 | GET /vuejs/owl_extension/data_types | Return literal datatypes definition |
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi | getObjectTypes | GET /vuejs/owl_extension/object_types | Return object types definition |
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi | getRDFType1 | GET /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type | Return rdf type model definition with properties |
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi | getRDFTypeProperties | GET /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type_properties | Return class model properties definitions |
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi | getRDFTypesParameters | GET /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_types_parameters | Return RDF types parameters for Vue.js application |
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi | setRDFTypePropertiesOrder | PUT /vuejs/owl_extension/properties_order | Define properties order |
VueJsOntologyExtensionApi | updateRDFType | PUT /vuejs/owl_extension/rdf_type | Update a custom class |
- ActivityCreationDTO
- ActivityGetDTO
- AgentModel
- AnnotationCreationDTO
- AnnotationGetDTO
- AnnotationUpdateDTO
- ApiContactInfoDTO
- ApiExternalDocsDTO
- ApiGitCommitDTO
- ApiLicenseInfoDTO
- ApiModulesInfo
- AreaCreationDTO
- AreaGetDTO
- AreaUpdateDTO
- AuthenticationDTO
- CSVCell
- CSVDatatypeError
- CSVDuplicateURIError
- CSVURINotFoundError
- CSVValidationDTO
- CSVValidationModel
- Call
- CharacteristicCreationDTO
- CharacteristicDetailsDTO
- CharacteristicGetDTO
- CharacteristicUpdateDTO
- CodeLotCSVValidationDTO
- CodeLotCSVValidationModel
- Contact
- CredentialDTO
- CredentialsGroupDTO
- Crs
- DataCSVValidationDTO
- DataCSVValidationModel
- DataConfidenceDTO
- DataCreationDTO
- DataFileGetDTO
- DataFilePathCreationDTO
- DataGetDTO
- DataLink
- DataProvenanceModel
- DataUpdateDTO
- DeviceCreationDTO
- DeviceGetDTO
- DeviceGetDetailsDTO
- DocumentGetDTO
- DocumentationLink
- EntityCreationDTO
- EntityDetailsDTO
- EntityGetDTO
- EntityUpdateDTO
- ErrorDTO
- ErrorResponse
- EventCreationDTO
- EventDetailsDTO
- EventGetDTO
- EventUpdateDTO
- ExperimentCreationDTO
- ExperimentGetDTO
- ExperimentGetListDTO
- FactorCategoryGetDTO
- FactorCreationDTO
- FactorDetailsGetDTO
- FactorGetDTO
- FactorLevelCreationDTO
- FactorLevelGetDTO
- FactorLevelGetDetailDTO
- FactorUpdateDTO
- FontConfigDTO
- FormCreationDTO
- FormGetDTO
- FormUpdateDTO
- FrontConfigDTO
- GeoJsonObject
- GermplasmCreationDTO
- GermplasmDTO
- GermplasmGetAllDTO
- GermplasmGetSingleDTO
- GermplasmUpdateDTO
- GroupCreationDTO
- GroupDTO
- GroupUpdateDTO
- GroupUserProfileDTO
- InfrastructureCreationDTO
- InfrastructureFacilityCreationDTO
- InfrastructureFacilityGetDTO
- InfrastructureFacilityNamedDTO
- InfrastructureFacilityUpdateDTO
- InfrastructureGetDTO
- InfrastructureUpdateDTO
- InterestEntityCreationDTO
- InterestEntityDetailsDTO
- InterestEntityGetDTO
- InterestEntityUpdateDTO
- Level
- ListItemDTO
- LngLatAlt
- Location
- MenuItemDTO
- MetadataDTO
- Method
- MethodCreationDTO
- MethodDetailsDTO
- MethodGetDTO
- MethodUpdateDTO
- MotivationGetDTO
- MoveCreationDTO
- MoveDetailsDTO
- MoveUpdateDTO
- NamedResourceDTO
- NamedResourceDTOExperimentModel
- NamedResourceDTOFactorLevelModel
- NamedResourceDTOGroupModel
- NamedResourceDTOInfrastructureFacilityModel
- NamedResourceDTOInfrastructureModel
- NamedResourceDTOInterestEntityModel
- NamedResourceDTOProjectModel
- OWLClassPropertyRestrictionDTO
- ObjectUriResponse
- ObservationDTO
- ObservationSummary
- ObservationTreatment
- ObservationUnitDTO
- ObservationUnitXref
- ObservationVariableDTO
- OntologyReference
- OrderBy
- PaginationDTO
- PositionCreationDTO
- PositionGetDTO
- PositionGetDetailDTO
- ProfileCreationDTO
- ProfileGetDTO
- ProfileUpdateDTO
- ProjectCreationDTO
- ProjectGetDTO
- ProjectGetDetailDTO
- ProvEntityModel
- ProvenanceCreationDTO
- ProvenanceGetDTO
- ProvenanceUpdateDTO
- RDFObjectRelationDTO
- RDFPropertyDTO
- ResourceDagDTO
- ResourceTreeDTO
- RouteDTO
- Scale
- ScientificObjectCreationDTO
- ScientificObjectDetailByExperimentsDTO
- ScientificObjectDetailDTO
- ScientificObjectNodeDTO
- ScientificObjectNodeWithChildrenDTO
- ScientificObjectSearchDTO
- ScientificObjectUpdateDTO
- Season
- SectionCreationDTO
- SectionGetDTO
- SectionUpdateDTO
- SpeciesDTO
- StatusDTO
- StudyDTO
- StudyDetailsDTO
- TargetPositionCreationDTO
- TargetPositionGetDTO
- ThemeConfigDTO
- TokenGetDTO
- Trait
- URIsListPostDTO
- UnitCreationDTO
- UnitDetailsDTO
- UnitGetDTO
- UnitUpdateDTO
- UserCreationDTO
- UserGetDTO
- UserUpdateDTO
- VariableCreationDTO
- VariableDatatypeDTO
- VariableDetailsDTO
- VariableGetDTO
- VariableUpdateDTO
- VariablesGroupCreationDTO
- VariablesGroupGetDTO
- VariablesGroupUpdateDTO
- VersionInfoDTO
- VueDataTypeDTO
- VueObjectTypeDTO
- VueRDFTypeParameterDTO
- VueRDFTypePropertyDTO
- Feature
- FeatureCollection
- GeometryCollection
- LineString
- MultiLineString
- MultiPoint
- MultiPolygon
- Point
- Polygon
All endpoints do not require authorization.