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MiraConnection C# RPC Listing

Specter edited this page May 13, 2020 · 1 revision

The MiraConnection RPC classes are used for interfacing with Mira's plugins. This includes the debugger and file explorer. Each Console class will have it's own public instance of the MiraConnection class initialized when the console's Connect() method is called. Attached to this class are the noted RPC classes. Below is a listing of these classes and their methods. This listing has been pulled into a separate file as it's much larger than the class listings, so it's notable enough for it's own file.




public enum Signals : int
      SIGHUP = 1,
      SIGINT = 2,
      SIGQUIT = 3,
      SIGILL = 4,
      SIGTRAP = 5,
      SIGABRT = 6,
      SIGEMT = 7,
      SIGFPE = 8,
      SIGKILL = 9,
      SIGBUS = 10,
      SIGSEGV = 11,
      SIGSYS = 12,
      SIGPIPE = 13,
      SIGALRM = 14,
      SIGTERM = 15,
      SIGURG = 16,
      SIGSTOP = 17,
      SIGSTP = 18,
      SIGCONT = 19,
      SIGCHLD = 20,
      SIGTTIN = 21,
      SIGTTOU = 22,
      SIGIO = 23,


public enum Protections : int
      PROT_READ = 0x01,
      PROT_WRITE = 0x02,
      PROT_EXEC = 0x04



public static bool Attach(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection, int p_ProcessId)

Allows the ptrace subsystem Mira uses to attach to a given process ID. This function will need to be called for most other endpoints to function, such as read/write memory. Warning: attaching to critical system processes like syscore may result in crashing or hanging the system.

Detach(p_Force = false)

public static bool Detach(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection, bool p_Force = false)

Allows the ptrace subsystem Mira uses to detach from an attached process. You should call this function on exit when you no longer need to debug a process. p_Force is provided if detach will not gracefully detach and you absolutely need to detach, but in most cases it should be left as false.


public static List<DbgProcessLimited> GetProcList(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection)

Allows you to get a current list of active processes running on the PS4 in the form of a list of DbgProcessLimited objects. This object provides less information than GetProcessInfo in the interest of conserving memory, so call that on a given process ID if you need more complete information.

ReadMemory(p_Address, p_Size)

public static byte[] ReadMemory(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection, ulong p_Address, uint p_Size)

Reads p_Size bytes at p_Address in the currently attached processes' virtual memory and returns it.

WriteMemory(p_Address, p_Data)

public static bool WriteMemory(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection, ulong p_Address, byte[] p_Data)

Writes the bytes from p_Data into p_Address in the currently attached processes' virtual memory.

Protect(p_Address, p_Size, p_Protection)

public static bool Protect(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection, ulong p_Address, uint p_Size, int p_Protection)

Provides the capability to set a given memory p_Protection on a given p_Address for p_Size bytes.


public static DbgProcessFull GetProcessInfo(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection, int p_ProcessId)

Takes a p_ProcessId and attempts to get information on the process. The returned information is stored in the DbgProcessFull structure.


public static ulong Allocate(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection, uint p_Size)

Exposes the capability to allocate heap memory in the attached processes' virtual memory, and returns a pointer to the new allocation.

Free(p_Address, p_Size = 0)

public static bool Free(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection, ulong p_Address, uint p_Size = 0)

Exposes the capability to free heap memory in the attached processes' virtual memory, and returns whether or not the free succeeded.


public static bool SignalProcess(this MiraLib.MiraConnection p_Connection, int p_Signal)

Sends the given p_Signal to the currently attached process. Warning: sending signals such as SIGKILL seem to cause issues, and sending signals to any critical system process may result in a crash or hang.



class DbgGpRegisters
    Int64    R_r15;
    Int64    R_r14;
    Int64    R_r13;
    Int64    R_r12;
    Int64    R_r11;
    Int64    R_r10;
    Int64    R_r9;
    Int64    R_r8;
    Int64    R_rdi;
    Int64    R_rsi;
    Int64    R_rbp;
    Int64    R_rbx;
    Int64    R_rdx;
    Int64    R_rcx;
    Int64    R_rax;
    Int32    R_trapno;
    Int32    R_fs;
    Int32    R_gs;
    Int32    R_err;
    Int32    R_es;
    Int32    R_ds;
    Int64    R_rip;
    Int64    R_cs;
    Int64    R_rflags;
    Int64    R_rsp;
    Int64    R_ss;


class DbgThreadLimited
    Int64 Proc;
    int32 ThreadId;
    string Name;
    int64 Retval;
    Int64 KernelStack;
    int32 KernelStackPages;
    int32 Err_no;


class DbgThreadFull
    Int64 Proc;
    int32 ThreadId;
    String Name;
    int64 Retval;
    Int64 KernelStack;
    Int32 KernelStackPages;
    Int32 Err_no;
    DbgGpRegisters GpRegisters;
    DbgFpRegisters FpRegisters;
    DbgDbRegisters DbRegisters;


class DbgCred {
    Int32 EffectiveUserId;
    Int32 RealUserId;
    Int32 SavedUserId;
    Int32 NumGroups;
    Int32 RealGroupId;
    Int32 SavedGroupId;
    Int64 Prison;
    Int64 SceAuthId;
    Int64 SceCaps[4];
    Int64 SceAttr[4]; 


class DbgProcessLimited
    Int32 ProcessId;
    string Name;
    DbgVmEntry Entries[];


class DbgProcessFull
    DbgThreadLimited Threads[];
    DbgCred Cred;
    Int32 ProcessId;
    Int64 ParentProc;
    Int32 Oppid;
    Int32 DbgChild;
    Int64 Vmspace;
    Int32 ExitThreads;
    Int32 SigParent;
    Int32 Sig;
    Int32 Code;
    Int32 Stops;
    Int32 Stype;
    Int64 SingleThread;
    Int32 SuspendCount;
    Int64 Dynlib;
    string Name;
    string ElfPath;
    string RandomizedPath;
    Int32 NumThreads;
    DbgVmEntry MapEntries[];


class DbgVmEntry
    string Name;
    Int64 Start;
    Int64 End;
    Int64 Offset;
    Int32 Protection;