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Fork Repositories

Fork Repositories #148

Workflow file for this run

# A workflow that looks at all repos in the OpenNeuroDatasets organization
# and creates a fork for each of them in the OpenNeuroDatasets-JSONLD organization
# if a fork does not yet exist.
name: Fork Repositories
- cron: '21 12,0 * * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Make forks
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ON_WF_PAT }}
run: |
get_repos() {
local organization=$1
organization(login: \"${organization}\") {
repositories {
nRepos=$(gh api graphql -f query="$query" | jq -r '.data.organization.repositories.totalCount')
# Return every repository name except .github (because that one is special)
gh repo list "${organization}" --limit "$nRepos" --json name --jq '.[].name' | grep -v ".github"
reposON=$(get_repos "OpenNeuroDatasets")
reposON_LD=$(get_repos "OpenNeuroDatasets-JSONLD")
# Find repositories that do not have a fork yet
# NOTE: This currently doesn't account for repos unique to OpenNeuroDatasets-JSONLD
diff=$(comm -23 <(echo "$reposON" | sort) <(echo "$reposON_LD" | sort))
nDiff=$(echo $diff | wc -w)
echo "$nDiff repositories do not have a fork yet"
for repo in $diff; do
echo "Forking $repo"
# We may encounter repos that are empty. In this case, the next command will
# have a non-zero exit code and the workflow would crash. To prevent this, we
# use the `|| true` operator to ignore the non-zero exit code.
gh repo fork "OpenNeuroDatasets/${repo}" --org "OpenNeuroDatasets-JSONLD" --clone=false || true
echo "Going to sleep for 5 seconds so GH rate limiter is not afraid..."
sleep 5