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Hiroko Takamiya edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 13 revisions

Blog Review Checklist

Translators: Please complete this checklist before delivering a translated blog post

Reviewers: Please complete this checklist before approving a PR with a translated post

  1. Review the blog for any untranslated words or phrases (machine translation can ignore links and formatted text)

  2. Code blocks should remain in English (unless you know you have a specific code block that should be translated; if so, please indicate this to the reviewer with an explanation)

  3. Links:

    1. Check link addresses to ensure they match the link addresses in the original blog post
    2. Check that text within links is properly translated (sometimes links are not fully translated due to machine translation)
      1. Translators: If you would like to leave a link untranslated, please indicate this to the reviewer with an explanation

      2. Example: Link in original English blog:

        Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 10 56 41 AM

        Translated link in Japanese blog:

        Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 10 56 22 AM
  4. Use translated images when available

    • Currently available:
      • "Ask a question on Stack Overflow" button (ja, zh-Hans) (e.g. blog_btn_stack_ja.svg for Japanese)
      • To request a button translation, please follow the directions here
  5. Reviewers: If you have questions/feedback about the translation or want to translate parts of the post that were missed, please reach out to the original translator to discuss any questions, and have them review any newly added machine translations.

  6. Once the post is merged into the draft branch and the build completes, please make sure to review your blog on the draft blogs site to confirm that formatting is also correct.

WORK IN PROGRESS (Jan. 17, 2023)

  1. If this is not your first time here, go to the next step. Otherwise run command git clone [email protected]:OpenLiberty/blogs.git on your machine.
  2. cd on your local machine to the blogs directory created by git clone
  3. git checkout prod and run git pull
  4. git checkout -b <name-of-your-branch> to create a new feature branch
  5. Is there an existing directory for the language in under <your_root_directory>/blogs/tree/prod/posts?
    • If yes, continue to next step.
    • If no, create a new directory named after the language's code in the /posts directory.
  6. Place the adoc file into the new/existing language directory.
  7. Is the new post a translation of an existing post?
  8. Open a pull request from your feature branch that is targeting draft branch and Set the reviewer to Kin Ueng (@kinueng)

Steps for Japanese translation for blog team's review (11/23/2023)

Getting the local repository ready

This is one time setup from Kin's write-up.

  1. If this is not your first time here, go to the next step. Otherwise run command git clone [email protected]:OpenLiberty/blogs.git on your machine.
  2. cd on your local machine to the blogs directory created by git clone
  3. git checkout prod and run git pull
  4. git checkout -b <name-of-your-branch> to create a new feature branch
  5. Is there an existing directory for the language in under <your_root_directory>/blogs/tree/prod/posts?
    • If yes, continue to next step.
    • If no, create a new directory named after the language's code in the /posts directory.

Sending the English article to the translators

  1. Find the new articles to get translated by periodically monitoring OpenLiberty blog or #openliberty-blog Slack channel.
  2. The translators may not have time to get the .adoc file. Send the file from the above repository. For example, if we want to get the Liberty blog translated, send 2023-10-17- to the translator.

Translator instructions

The following instruction is what the translators are currently using:

  • Follow the local IBM's translation policy

  • Update the blog format

    1. Add the translator name and avatar
    2. Cross-reference to the same posts in other language.

    Example of the blog format translation

    layout: post
    title: "Open LibertyでJava 21をサポート"
    # Do NOT change the categories section
    categories: blog
    seo-title: Open LibertyでJava 21をサポート -
    seo-description: 2年前のJava 17以来の長期サポートリリースとなるJava 21をサポート。今すぐお試しください。
    blog_description: 2年前のJava 17以来の長期サポートリリースとなるJava 21をサポート。今すぐお試しください。
    open-graph-image-alt: Open Liberty Logo

    Example of additional entries

    - name: 浅田 かおり (翻訳)
    - lang: en
      path: /blog/2023/10/17/2023-10-17-
    1. Update the Stackoverflow link with your language. (Adding _ja in the svg file name.)
    image::img/blog/blog_btn_stack_ja.svg[Stack Overflowで質問する, align="center"]
  • (Add language specific instruction here)

  • Send the translated file back to us.

After receiving translated file

  1. Make sure to create a branch. git checkout -b <name-of-your-branch> to create a new feature branch
  2. Place the translated file under posts/[language] directory
  3. The translator usually does not have time to get themselves familiarized with with the blog process. So we can update cross referenced blog articles. In the following example, the existing English blog article is updated with the new translated Japanese blog link.
       - lang: ja
       path: /blog/ja/2023/10/17/2023-10-17-
  4. Open a pull request from your feature branch.and Set the reviewer to one of the blog admins: David Mueller (@dmuelle), Kin Ueng (@kinueng), Steven Zvonek (@steven1046), Natalie Bernhard (@natalie-bernhard)
  5. Follow the instructions by the admins.