This is the WordClock main application, which is build using the WordClock Buildroot image generator.
- Drives WS2812B LEDs using the integrated LCD controller of the NXP i.MX233 processor (inspired by SpritesMods).
- Provides REST API for configuration and WebSockets for live monitoring.
- Configurable interfaces, animations, and colors.
- Intergrates Lua scripting language for advanced customizations.
- Configures WiFi using wpa_supplicant.
- Shows weather forecast using Google Geolocation and OpenWeatherMap.
- Allows IR remote control using LIRC.
- Reads PIR and LDR sensors for motion detection and brightness control.
- Initializes firmware update on demand.
- Vala compiler (>= 0.46)
- CMake (>= 2.6)
- libsoup-2.4
- gio-unix-2.0
- gio-2.0
- gee-0.8
- json-glib-1.0
- luajit
- cairo
- pango, pangocairo